af Lise Meijer | apr 26, 2013 | Cards, Collaborating, Interview, Uncategorized
I can´t believe I almost forgot to share that Amy from Mindful Shopper has been hosting a lauch-party of a blog banner and buttons I created for her. And it ends today!!! Truly hope most of you already saw it via FB. (If we are not connected there already, feel free to send me a friend request, love to see you there too!) Here it comes, but be quick, it ends in 15 hours from now, go, go, go!

I love Amy´s blog and the idea that she only shares what she find at least has one of the 4 ingrediences that you also see in her banner: JOY – INSPIRATION – BEAUTY – COMFORT
I really think she is doing a marvellous job with her blog. During the process of creating the buttons I´ve come to know Amy as a joyful and sincere friend, and I am so, so proud to be featured with an interview as part of the launch celebration on her beautyful blog. You find the Mindful Shopper blog and giveaway right here.

(Above: Lise Meijer cards on the desk in a new shop “Bark interiør”)
I have been travelling a bit lately, around in Denmark to find new shops and also galleries that is a good match for Lise Meijer products and art. A very new thing for me to do. Definately challenging. Also very rewarding. And, as so often before, I came to realise that what I think I can´t do only becomes possible when I dare to take the steps toward doing it anyway. Even if I sometimes do it a bit clumsy.

I loved it when I found this wonderful new shop i a town, Give in Jutland. I honestly thought Give was too small to have any interior shops, and that I would have to find a cafeteria to kill time whilst my travelling companion was at a meeting. Turned out they had a lot of nice shops!

The pink letters above reads “Spring”. Ah yes, spring is finally here, and the colors can be as juicy as they want, I love it!
Till soon, perhaps we´ll meet on facebook?
af Lise Meijer | jan 22, 2013 | Cards, Lise Meijer Web Shop, Paintings, small joys, Soul speed, Uncategorized
Lately I have been working on a new series of paintings I call “French inspiration” 5 pieces now, perhaps more coming. I truly enjoyed creating these, allowing myself to add all my “Oh, I love this pattern” and “Ah, this is so pretty” into them. Anything I wanted in the candy-store of colors and shape was invited. that romantic soul I also hold could have a free run.

Romantic like in going tango-dancing (something I love, love!)

Romantic like in insisting on lighting candles and drinking slow latte on a sunday morning, even though a ton of tasks are waiting to be done.

Or like in seing each others in the eyes, through all the layers of life…

Romantic like taking a looong bath. Did I tell you of my bath-addiction? It is BIG. So big that here´s what I did all those years without one: I bought the biggest childrens bath on the market, placed it in our shower and squeezed myself into it, complete with bath salt, candles and all. Not the real thing, but it still worked. Favourite place for getting creative ideas.

Romantic like lace and old bird-cages. They look so pretty, don´t they? Only, I don´t like birds in cages. I want birds to be able to fly free!
Who knows, perhaps theese birds love their cage as a safe home to sleep in at night. They surely are free to fly. And sing. And dream….
Some of these paintings will soon be available as posters in my shop. And btw: I ship EVERYWHERE for very low extra cost! Also, feel free to connect with me on Facebook, where I share inspiration and news of all kind….
Xx Lise.
af Lise Meijer | nov 26, 2012 | Cards, Lise Meijer Web Shop, Soul speed

I made a collection of 6 cards for the shop, “Hearts and wings.” I made a real good price for them too. These cards are soulwarming – use them as christmas-cards, winter-cards, or heart-warming cards for any time of the year. Head over to my etsy shop to buy your set HERE.

They make a wonderful gift too, and you can also get them as signed posters, like this one. I will be happy to ship to you anywhere in the world.

“Light your light Starmaker”

“Answering the stars”

“Old friends”

“Give time”
And yes, l will, give time. Because all that is important in this world takes time. The “small time” of small but important steps that only seem to count when you add them up all together. And the “BIG TIME when you are given the opportunity to shine with what you collected and learned in one big go, and are able to, because of all those small steps you took in just that direction over the years.
Perhaps giving each other time could be the most precious present this year!
af Lise Meijer | okt 18, 2012 | Cards, Collaborating, From my life, Lise Meijer Web Shop, Uncategorized
I know we are in this life-business together. I know we all need help from time to time, and each single one of us also have something we can offer to help others out. And I know we can only be of true help when what we offer rings with our own integrity and mission in life.

These days I am recieving help that I couldn´t even have thought out and it humbles me completely. Believe me, I have tried to need help so desperately and not feel it came to me at all. I was probably repelling or not recognizing any help that could have come my way by being too full of needyness, rather than open to recieve with grace.
What I experience now is this: I have been so full of passion about this card-and-poster-project, and even though I knew I would not be able to do everything alone I jumped out and started it anyway, taking it one step at a time. And I have seen how help sometimes can come as from out of the blue when we are well, and doing our best with something we love. I am not saying I totally cracked the code of how this works, not at all, but I know for sure that it helps getting outselves into a place of well-being and passion rather than feeling like a victim.
I also know the help coming my way right now is not help given to me as a person, but to the essence of the products I created that are now eager to find their way into the world.

“Answering the stars” Original sold, signed print available here
One day some months ago, I wrote in my journal that I felt it was time to begin to sell cards and posters internationally. The day after, a visionary lady Janita from Holland offered from “out of the blue” to help me find shops in her country who would sell my cards. She would do it out of pure support of the products. We only knew each other via facebook, and yet I knew instantly that it was genuine and that it would be ok to accept this most welcome help.

(Photo credit for the wonderful shot af Janita and the cards above: Paul Kelly)
She did an awesome job, here she is in a wonderful store in Groningen where they just ordered the second batch of cards, yay!
If you want, I would love to hear your storyes of needing help, and waiting for help, getting it, asking for it…..and maybe recieving it in surprising ways….?
af Lise Meijer | okt 4, 2012 | Cards, Exhibitions, Paintings, Uncategorized
(New work)
Coming sunday the 7th october from 3 -5 pm is the opening of my exhibition on Bakkegaard, Møn, Denmark.
If you are in the neighbourhood you are WARMLY INVITED. I would looove to see you there, truly! Come drink and snack and watch and chat!
That day only there will be 50 % off all Lise Meijer cards and posters, including some very cute new ones. Small, french vintage-inspired cards. And, of course the big and glossy ones and the signed posters.

(French vintage-inspired card: “Slow down – let passion find you”)
During the autumn holiday in week 42 there are “french tea-room” at Bakkegaard every day from 2 – 5 pm
On saturday the 20th oct. I will be doing two workshops in the exhibition-room:
1 pm TODDLER SINGING CLASS (RYTMIK), 2 – 5 years, price: 40 DKK
3 – 5 pm: CREATIVE MIXED MEDIA WORKSHOP involving patterned paper, buttons, canvas and other fun materials. Price 75 DKK. All ages from 7 and up welcome!
Please make sure to reserve your spot at your chosen workshop beforehand, simply call Vivi and Uffe on Bakkegaard: 55 81 93 01

(French vintage-inspired card “Coffee and flowers are also important”)
Exhibition 7th oct. – 16th dec. 2012: Bakkegård gæstgiveri Busenevej 64, Busene DK-4791 Borre, Denmark.
Bakkegård homepage:
af Lise Meijer | jul 15, 2012 | Cards, Uncategorized
You can now buy Lise Meijer cards in 5 shops plus my own webshop, and that my friends, justify a retaliers page! Yes it does! So I created a brand new page here where you can always see which shops carry the cards or posters.

I WOULD LOVE YOUR HELP: If you know a special shop where you think the Lise Meijer card-line would fit in perfectly, I would really like to know, shops abroad also welcome, the cards want to fly, they told me!