af Adam | jan 30, 2015 | Calendars, Cards, Lise Meijer Web Shop, Prints
I am grateful for so many things – for starters, I am grateful to be alive in this simple, complicated, beautiful life. And to be almost well again after a nasty flu.
AND, tomorrow, the last day of the first month in the year is my BIRTHDAY! I decided to celebrate with a BIRTHDAY-SALE, Because, one of the many things I am grateful for is all YOU wonderful people who for the last years has shown kindness and interest in my art and products, and continue to support in many ways – thank you so much!
Simply head over to my webshop and use the code “BIRTHDAY15” at checkout (all capitals, no quotation marks), which gives you a 25 % OFF any purchase this saturday AND sunday. That is on top of the january 25 % sale on signed prints and calendar, which means a 50 % bargain on some items, if you use the code , yep!!! Find the shop right HERE, enjoy and cheers!!!

(I know – this pic above is slightly out of season, but we can always dream in january…..)

This and many other signed prints is part of the 25 % off sale in january – and with the code BIRTHDAY15 you get an extra 25 % off, voila!
af Lise Meijer | apr 1, 2014 | Finding courage, Finding strength, From my life, Lise Meijer Web Shop, Prints, Sale, Uncategorized

Image: “Pot of Inspiration” ON SALE right now. 20 % off everything in my webshop until coming sunday!!!
I write my morningpages most days. Some days it helps me be with the parts of me I would otherwise push under the carpet because it didn´t at first seem tempting to examine the feeling of fear, restlessness or sadness. Truth: they always hold a hidden gem, and morningpages is one way to uncover that. Other days it gives me a place and time to jump verbally with joy or count my blessings. In both cases, it´s like quietly stirring my inner pot of inspiration. It really is. I can almost feel the bubbles rising.
In my experience, Inspiration comes to visit when we make ourselves attractive to it. And, to Inspiration, attractive does not mean a perfect or always happy person. I find that what Inspiration seems to find most attractive is something I will call “Movement toward Joy”. When we dare to move – even with the smallest of steps – in the direction of our passion and joy and does so again and again, that´s when Inspiration decides to jump our train.

(Me, writing morningpages – yes, lefthanded!)
And “plop”, you have an idea that seemed to come from out of the blue. Or you suddenly SEE the solution of a certain problem. Or perhaps you just know that you have to begin taking that dancing class, for no seemingly logical reason. And when you do, even more inspiration begins to flow, which leads you in the direction of a more passionate and fulfilling life.
For me, writing morning pages (more about morningpages HERE) is the greatest help for inviting Inspiration as a daily companion. It keeps my inner pot brewing keeping up the temperature of my life passion without making me burn out. I highly recommend this tool, created and introduced by the blessed creativity coach, Julia Cameron.
I don´t think of it as luxury to live a life nourished by Inspiration. I think of it as a respectful and most fitting way of administering this marvelous life we have been given. May Inspiration quietly and steadily be bubbling in our lives every day. Perhaps hidden under the surface and not very feelable to ourselves on testing days. But all the time nourished by our quiet steadily Movement toward Joy!

“Dancing with Joy”, also part of the 20 % SALE this week!
af Lise Meijer | aug 16, 2013 | Cards, Lise Meijer Web Shop, Prints, Sale, Uncategorized
A new season is knocking on the door. Do you feel it?
I am celebrating with a BIG SUMMER SALE!

From today and until the end of August I offer a 20 % discount on ANY item in my webshop on Etsy.

The shop is stocked to the brim with lots and lots of prints and postcards. Gorgeous quality. Go have a look!

A4 prints are signed by me and come in a stiff back cello-bag which makes them easy to use as a present. I ship to any country, and happily send your items as a present to another address if you wish.

Your items will be packed with love and arrive as a little treat for you or a loved one.

The sale ends at midninght August 31, so be sure to take advantage in good time!
You find my shop right HERE
Golden summer wishes,
xx Lise.
af Lise Meijer | jun 22, 2013 | Cards, Lise Meijer Web Shop, small joys
This is my nr. 101 blog-post. So, so much has happened since my first post. Shy as I was about blogging, I didn´t even dare to write that it was my first post!!! That was in july 2011, 5 months after I began painting again. 101 definitely calls for a celebration! So, a bit like 1001 nights fairytales, I decided to make a 101 blogpost give-away, and here it comes….
Those who win can choose between the two prizes below:
Prize A: two A4 prints (yes, two prints per person, signed by me and ready to frame), or….
Prize B: 4 Big double postcards (can be used as luxury cards or small prints).
So, keep on reading or skip impatiently to the bottom of this post for the details about how to enter the giveaway (I don´t mind at all!!!).

(Above is a selection of 20 different A5 big double cards. The winners may choose any 4 of those if they go for the postcards)
Here´s more words for those who like a small story:
Since february 2011 I have been on a journey that has been incredibly joy-filled. I have written a bit about it here and here. It has involved beginning to paint again after 15 + years, selling and exhibiting my work, producing a line of postcards and posters, opening a web-shop, and beginning writing this blog. But more than anything, it has involved so many heart-warming meetings, often with people I have never met before. Kind people who reached out either here on the blog or amongst my dear FB friends (you are welcome too, just send me a friend-request). I have enjoyed the openess and kindness to the fullest!!!

(Prints and cards from the webshop ready to be sent by mail to kind people all over the world)
People I didn´t know before has offered to be volunteer-agents for selling the cards and posters in their city, building new contacts with shops in different countries. I know it´s been the kind of bliss that often follows anything new-born on this planet, like kittens or toddlers that seem to have protectors coming from out of the blue, rescuing them from dangers they had no idea existed.
I could not have gone this alone. I needed help to be able to find my way through so much new territory, and to carry on. I believe we all need help from time to time, and that our actions, however small at first, are our calling for the kind of help we need to be able to fulfil a certain job. We just have to be willing to take the first step, the first small action, even if that is simply asking someone for help.
So, dear you, whoever you are: I am so glad you are here!

(Me, dancing on the beach of Bornholm, an island here in Denmark. Photo by Justine Hoegh)
To enter, you simply post one comment in the comment-field below. It could be a few words about something you are truly inspired about, or which images you would like in case you win, or whatever is in your heart today. It doesn´t have to be long, a line or two will do. That´s it, you are in the game! Oh no, one more thing: Please add your e-mail in the section when signing in for comments, that way I can reach you if you win!
I will choose the 5 winners (randomly) on sunday the 30th of june. The winners will get an e-mail with further details.
Oh, and I would love it if you would share this post with your friends on FB or twitter. That way, they get a chance to win too. Thank you, and wishing you luck!
af Lise Meijer | nov 26, 2012 | Cards, Lise Meijer Web Shop, Soul speed

I made a collection of 6 cards for the shop, “Hearts and wings.” I made a real good price for them too. These cards are soulwarming – use them as christmas-cards, winter-cards, or heart-warming cards for any time of the year. Head over to my etsy shop to buy your set HERE.

They make a wonderful gift too, and you can also get them as signed posters, like this one. I will be happy to ship to you anywhere in the world.

“Light your light Starmaker”

“Answering the stars”

“Old friends”

“Give time”
And yes, l will, give time. Because all that is important in this world takes time. The “small time” of small but important steps that only seem to count when you add them up all together. And the “BIG TIME when you are given the opportunity to shine with what you collected and learned in one big go, and are able to, because of all those small steps you took in just that direction over the years.
Perhaps giving each other time could be the most precious present this year!