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TALKING WITH TREES – a journey into mixed media painting and creativity

juli 27, 2018 @ 9:30 am - juli 29, 2018 @ 4:30 pm


27 – 29 July, the common house in Åbakkehuse, Mern, DK (1 hour from Copenhagen) – all 3 days at. 9.30 AM- 4.30 PM


Right behind the obvious, the loud and well-known, flows a different source. The source of your creativity. It is the same source that causes the trees to grow and the cells to renew in your body. The source of everything’s origin, creativity itself.

We all have that source inside, without exception. You too. But we can´t always feel it because the world is too noisy.

During the workshop TALKING WITH TREES we listen deep and take things easy. Become quiet and dive under the obvious so we can feel that source. It’s not hard at all. We just have to remember how to do it.

We will create beautiful backgrounds on canvas with patterned paper and running colors, and on those we draw and paint images from nature, learning techniques that allow their soul to shine through the layers.

We will warm up our creativity with exercises like sketching, writing and light movement along the way. EVERBODY CAN PARTTAKE – beginners and practiced painters.

PRICE: 2400 DKK/ 325 EURO

Included in the price is coffee, tea, snacks and lunch, as well as glue medium and a limited selection of fluid acrylic colors of the brand Golden.

You bring: 3 canvases (40 x 50cm/ 15 x 19 in or larger, any format), brushes, good quality acrylic colors, sketch book and soft pencil (5B or softer). Alto a hair dryer and a spray bottle. (If you book in advance, you can buy canvasses via me and receive them upon arrival.)

Please note that registration is binding – max 14 participants

Teacher: Lise Meijer, artist and experienced creativity teacher

Do you want to stay on site? That is possible – 250 DKK/ 34 EURO for a single room and 125 DKK/ 17 EURO if you share the room with another. Please contact me for more details.

I’m looking forward to a wonderful extended summer weekend, full of magic and simplicity!


Love from Lise. – tel. (+45)40547946

PS: If we want to, there is a possibility for creating a common dinner on Saturday evening after the workshop, where we each contribute with “artist” food and drink – like cheese, bread, salad, salmon and wine. Simple & “summerly” – so reserve the evening, just in case…..



juli 27, 2018 @ 9:30 am
juli 29, 2018 @ 4:30 pm


Lise Meijer – Creative Vitamins
Se Arrangør hjemmeside


Fælleshuset i Åbakkehuse
Under Egen 8
Mern, 4735 Danmark
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