New painting, BIG one (75 x 75 cm). Now ready to fly on it´s own wings into the world…. (contact me for details if you are intetested to buy)
For more than a year I have been painting every monday. The mondays painting sessions are almost holy. Not much else would have a change to get my attention those days. Last monday I looked myself in the mirror in the evening after finishing painting. I looked so happy, I was amazed! I could see utter joy beaming from my whole being, like a child. That made me even more happy. So much can crave our attention and often locate us in the past or the future, but the simplest things can bring us right back to ourselves. Like time spent with something we love doing.
Spring does the most miraculous things right now, like growing these purple cones right next to the green and yellow field. Love the sight of that!
Absolutely love it when the children are being creative in the house. So much well being comes from their process. They dive so easily into that time and spaceless room, what a blessing and something to take good care of.
Our gas-stove recently stopped working properly in the part of it that is small enough to hold the coffee-brewer and milk-heater, so I started using the stove when it is on. Such a good old feeling!