Lately I had such a need for quiet time and rest. And at the same time I have had so many ideas and wishes for things to act on. Quite a juggle to handle. I often get that around change of seasons. I see my life and directions clearer in the light of this new onsetting light and energy. That calls out a knowing about in which ways to move, and a longing to follow it. And yet I get so tired too. Need to digest and….rest.
Yesterday it was our son Vincent´s 6 years birthday. Picked him and Celeste up early and totally enjoyed watching them help each other out build his new lego whilst I was lounging on the couch. Bliss. I told myself to listen real carefully and just take the moment in with my full attention. The sounds of them nattering like birds. The busy yet quiet sense in the room. Outside sunny and windy. So nice when the body finally trusts that now is the time to rest, and the breath goes deep, deep. I did finish 3 paintings this week. And recorded a new song. One painting is above. The others coming soon!