This morning the house was finally emptied of sick children and other obstacles. Everything was ready for a wonderful and long-awaited painting session. Coffee poured, the stove roared nicely. Painting day, finally!
(Creative quickie page, inspired by the wonderful line from a Leonard Cohen song: “There is a crack in everything – that´s how the light gets in”)
I had waited and sighed soooo long for this day to come! And then:
– Ready to GO!!?
-What? Oh no, honestly, you have longed so much for this moment and now it is here!
-Why not?
-I am afraid! (maybe she’ll feel sorry for me ….)
-What are you afraid of?
-(Oh no, she´s in question-mood, better come up with a real good reason, ahem…):I am afraid….I have ….forgotten…. HOW TO PAINT! (HA!)
-Forgotten how to paint? You can´t forget how to paint, you just paint….even dots are good for starters.
-Well, actually I am afraid that I CAN paint, what if I am a brilliant genious, I am not up to a commitment like that … I am sure it will be really really hard with all the overwhelming success and fame and too many requests for me to handle!!! (Surely she wil buy this one, I know she loves to have big thoughts about herself, hahaaa!)
-Are you afraid of that? Is that the REAL reason you don´t want to paint?
-All right no, not really…….. it is simply because I CAN´T BE BOTHERED!
-You can´t be bothered?
-Well, you know, that’s alright.
– (What, she said it´s ALL RIGHT! Now we´ll take the day off and watch a good movie in bed, yeeaaaah, ta-ta-ta-daaa-di- dum-di -dum-da…)
-Listen, here´s what we´ll do:
-(Movie, movie, mooooviiie!!!)
1. First we dance 10 minutes to beautiful music, just move for a little while as you like, neither more nor less, are you ok with that?
(“Joy in the air”, original available, just e-mail me)
2. Then, we fill the palette with colors and made the table ready, all right?
-Yeah, I guess
3. Last, we´ll take a canvas and play around with papers and colors, no intentions of making art, just having fun, ok?
-Well, if it´s only for fun….
4 hours later:
Wonderful creative mess in my studio yeaaaah!!!
And now it´s time for a good movie…and a glass of red wine….
(“Be gentle”, print available here)
….or maybe I will just continue painting…or do them all at the same time; paint, wine and movie!
So, there you have it, now you know what goes on in my head on a completely normal thursday!