Come 2014…
In good and wild news:
I am going to collaborate with a blessed storyteller and coach!!! Marianne Christensen and I will be teaching a brand new course about taking responsibility for our dreams. “Vision 2014” involves scrapbooking, storytelling and the power of finding your passion and creating a vision of it in your own book. A powerful combination of creativity and determination. I know how working with our visions can cause true transformation in our desired life direction. And I can hardly wait, it is going to be good!
You may not speak a word danish or live anywhere nearby. But I simply can´t help sharing this visual invite with you anyway. To make up for the language/placement issue, I promise to give you a few tips and hands on inspiration of how to make your own new years process at the end of this post. And if 2014 is going to be the year where you commit yourself to reach your goals, and you DO live nearby, I recommend you sign up NOW!
For years I had a special affair with New Years processes. I recall celebrating new years evenings as a teenager with my best friend, my notebook and candle lights whilst everyone else was out partying wildly. I loved it. And continued to love it to this day (even though I caught up on the wild party-thing when I got a little older, happy about that too!) Love the opportunity to cap one year and welcome a new by making conscious what was, and envisioning what lies ahead.
Later I learned more about the power of visualisation and cloaking our dreams with actual visible pictures, and began to incorporate it in my own process. And later in workshops for others. Vision-board-workshops as new years preparation is a very powerful and a truly helpful process. Like telling ourselves the story of our possibilities in a way that we can see them even when we thought we forgot. Because they are visible on a map right there on our own wall. And that opens the door to actually believing it.
Like promised, here´s some tips for making your own new years process. And if you do live nearby, I highly recommend joining our workshop. It could just be the extra assistance you need in meeting your own dreams in 2014. Contact me and I´ll send you the details!
Tips for making your own new years process:
Create your own Visionmap step by step (featuring my 2013 map oh yes!)
A free printable New Years Kit from “Do What You Love” that I found very helpful to keep focus.
And a soulful new years Blessing
Important to not stress about this. It´s not about getting it perfect. It´s about taking a conscious glance at a year gone by and sending out your wishes for what you would love to see in the year that is knocking on our door.
Love from Lise.