New art: The river of my heart (and about being stuck in emotions…)
I just finished this, one of my bigger paintings:

“River of my heart/ Hjertets flod” – 31,5 x 47,2 in/ 80 x 120 cm, acrylic and paper on deep edge canvas. Price: 925 $/ 6.500 kr.
“The river of our heart flows continuously. It contains every emotion, every color, light and darkness, and also all our greyness. Sometimes deep, sometimes low and shallow, and always weaving through life’s landscape of narrowing and widening, wild forests and fine gardens. Its task is to FLOW. And it wants to flow freely, and in return it brings joy in abundance when we dare let it do just that.”
– Lise Meijer
– Lately I have been pondering how emotions are like the weather: they shift according to all kind of outer influences – like high or low pressure, warmth or cold, and also pollution and many other outer or inner causes. It takes a lot of skill to learn to predict the weather, and even when the expets have done their best – they can be wrong! The weather color very much how we experience the day & the world, and it is NEVER permanent! Also, there is always, always a blue sky or a crisp clear starry night to be found behind the clouds.
Above: Celeste (11) recently did my hair with an upside – down heart which I loved!!!
It is the same story with emotions: they move through us all the time and like the weather they can never be completely fixed. They appear due to the processes we are exposed to, inside and outside ourselves, but it can be hard to always determine what caused them to turn up. And even harder to change them when cloudy emotions seem to fill the whole inner sky. The best cure of cloudy emotions I know is MOVEMENT! Any kind of movement; physical exercise, a walk, going to the cimema, doing some cleaning or tidying or creating something. It is also the last thing I want to do when stuck in heavy emotions. But once I do, things slowly shift. It often takes a while, but there will be a shift.
And believe me, I had many (MANY) mornings in my life where I had no idea of how to get myself unstuck enough to begin working! Especially during the latest years where all I had to do was to get up, go upstairs and get myself to create. Wonderful when you FEEL like it! And seemingly impossible at other days. But I have sincerely come to love the fact that there IS something I can do about that state, even if I don´t feel the effect immediately.
I love the fact that I can change my inner weather!
And when nothing else works, I go to the chapter “Mood shifter” in this wonderful book. Highly recommended!
With love from Lise.
PS: as always, I ship worldwide with joy, both items from my shop with prints and cards and original art!