af Lise Meijer | dec 21, 2018 | Finding strength, Soul speed, Visionmap, workshops

“Og i sit hjerte holdt hun kimen
til alt det der ville spire og gro
når tiden var inde”
Kære du.
Idag, d. 21.12 er det vinter solhverv, årets mørkeste dag. Fra i morgen vender lyset lige så stille tilbage.
Jorden bærer i denne tid på dybe hemmeligheder – og solen, planeterne og stjernerne sender deres fineste energi hertil for at hjælpe forberedelsen som sker i mørket under overfladen.
Det er også i det beskyttende mørke i vores sind at nye muligheder fødes. Vore livsdrømme kan nyde godt af den fine energi lige nu.
Beskyt dem godt, som jorden beskytter sine frø. Find stille stunder til blot at sidde ved dem, være nær dem, som deres vidne. Bær dem ved dit hjerte. Indtil de en dag har fået næring nok til at møde lyset og begynde at spire der hvor alle kan se dem.
Kærlig hilsen Lise.
(Tekst fra Kreative Tirsdags Vitaminer, de er gratis og du tilmelder dig via boksen på forsiden her på hjemmesiden.)
PS: og skal dine drømme have ganske særlig nærings kraft i år, så holder jeg Nytårs workshop med vision board lørdag d. 12. januar. Læs mere under EVENTS
af Lise Meijer | mar 21, 2018 | Creative Quickie, Creative workshops, Finding strength, small joys

Her er en lille gave til dig: Opskrift på hvordan du kan være kreativ når du har meget lidt tid til overs.
En Creative quickie er en lille øvelse jeg opfandt da jeg var nybagt mor til barn nr. 2, og barn nr. 1 samtidig led af voldsom børne eksem. Min tid og energi til at være kreativ blev med et drastisk skåret ned, men ideerne blev ved med at komme, og jeg blev meget frustreret over ikke at have mulighed for at handle på dem. Hvilket altsammen hverken hjalp mig eller mine børn. Måske er du selv i en situation i dit liv lige nu hvor energien og tiden til at være kreativ ikke er helt som du kunne ønske? Eller måske har du bare lyst til at lære en fin lille øvelse der kan få selv de mest stivnede kreative juicer til at flyde igen, stille og roligt?
Har du blot 5 -10 minutter, kan du selv lave en Creative Quickie som den du ser her. Det er en slags kreativitets medicin. Indtages i små doser, gerne dagligt. Modvirker frustration over nul tid og energi til at skabe, og åbner for inspiration og handlekraft.
Alt det kræver er: et ugeblad, et hvidt stykke papir, en limstift, en tusch, samt viljen til at risikere at være pinlig/ skør/ lidt for meget.
Her får du opskriften:
1. Bladr igennem et ugeblad eller hvad som helst med billeder i, som det er ok at klippe og rive i, og klip eller riv 1 – 3 billeder ud som af en eller anden grund taler til dig. Prøv at undlade at tænke over HVORFOR, bare riv dem ud!
2. Placer dem tilfældigt på et hvidt stykke papir med en limstift. Jeg bruger selv en notesbog uden linier, men du kan sagtens bare bruge et hvidt stykke papir.
3. Tag en dyb indånding, og skriv så hvilke som helst ord der lige kommer til dig. Det kan være et enkelt ord eller hele sætninger. Hvis du har lyst, så kan du også tegne lidt kruseduller/ former på siden. Du kan bruge alle slags skrive redskaber, men selv kan jeg bedst lide at bruge en permanent marker så jeg også kan skrive henover de blanke blade. Nyd friheden: ingen behøver se dette, det er kun for dig!
Det var det! På denne måde kan du skabe dine egne små ”drømme-bærer-sider” og vide at på blot 10 minutter har du både været kreativ OG holdt dine større kreative drømme i live indtil en dag du har mere uforstyrret tid og energi til at handle på dem.
Kærlig hilsen Lise.
PS: På sommer-male-workshoppen Talking with trees vil der være masser af små øvelser som denne. Det er muligt at leje rum til overnatning på stedet, og på den måde holde din egen lille kreative ferie. Læs mere HER

af Adam | sep 25, 2015 | Finding love, Finding strength, Lise Meijer Web Shop, Soul speed, Uncategorized

Be gentle – available as signed print, just click the picture…..
The gentleness you give yourself carefully nourishes your inner willingness to open yourself to life. When you treat yourself gently, your zest for life is allowed to come bubbling like a liberated source from within your own core.
Carefully you are being listened to by the most important person in your life – yourself – and slowly you become open to the dance of life, of sheer pleasure simply because you can and want to. And in that dance lies a great strength.
Willingness to the dance of life can not be stamped out of the ground or planned to the surface (though both stamping and plans have their place in life). The desire to be part of the dance of life must be nurtured from within, with gentleness, good things and much listening – from yourself to yourself.
It is a powerful gift to be gentle with yourself.
Love from Lise.
PS: The image “Be gentle with yourself” is available as A4 signed print HERE. Perhaps you or someone you know would love a this sweet reminder for the wall? As always, I ship worldwide and package with care & creativity so it will indeed feel like a gift when you or your loved ones receive the items at the doorstep.
af Adam | sep 22, 2015 | Finding courage, Finding love, Finding strength, Lise Meijer Web Shop
Anyone needs a hug today? Here´s a serving for you!
It is so much easier to relax and be ourselves when we feel loved just as we are in the middle of our ordinary everyday life. And more YOU being yourself = more of your brilliance for the world, and oh does the world need it!
Not the big X factorly brilliance we often call success, even though that can be enticing and sometimes even deep and brilliant in it´s own way.
But the more quiet brilliance. The brilliance of being just like you are, shining with that, sharing that with the people you have daily encounters with. Sharing what you truly love, with love. Seing with love. Seing really, deeply. Love moves away so many obstacles, effortlessly like the sun melts the snow. And a hug is a wonderful transporter of love. And the quiet everyday messages of love to yourself. Perhaps it´s time to make a wonderful cup of tea and recall your appreciation for YOU. Your struggles. Your willingness to keep trying. Your brave heart that refuses to grow hard and continues to search for understanding and love even when it is tough or takes time.
You are SO brave for trying!
PS: The photo: “A hug in a mug” is available as A4 print HERE and also in double size (A3) HERE – along with many other prints, posters & cards. You can browse the richly filled shop RIGHT HERE
PPS: when searching for a video on forgiveness yesterday, I came across THIS HEARTMOVING TALE, in case you need it. xX
af Adam | maj 26, 2015 | Finding courage, Finding strength, From my life
Today was a day that really counted.
Not because I have been particularly effective, has made a super effort or achieved a lot.
My reality today was NOT like that. Very, very far from it.

“Nourish your seeds/Giv dine frø næring”, mixed media on canvas, 25 x 30 cm. Price: 1800 DKK
Today was the kind of day where I could not see clearly. For inexplicable reasons I walked around in my own fog and swamp of procrastination all morning. The start of this day felt more like being a spectator to my own life and helplessly watching it slip by without any meaning. I was stuck in a feeling of unclarity, physically weakness and overwhelming uselessness. And as the hours passed, it only got worse.
It was past lunch before I realized how lost I actually was. I still felt discouraged, but now I was at least awake.
And then I finally took a miniature step in OUT of the fog.
HERE, right here was one of those moments that really counts; THE FIRST TINY STEP!
When I had taken that step my mind was a bit clearer. And I was able to rise enough above my own swamp and find space in my mind to ask:
What ingredient do I lack in myself to be able to create anything today and how would I really like to feel? And, what can provide this feeling?

“Jump into Joy/Hop ind I glæden” 30×40 cm/11,8 x 15,7 in – 2800 kr./ 525 $
Now I had taken not just one, but several small steps. And my direction had already changed. 3 steps in a new direction is a change of direction, although it is only 3 very small steps!
Everybody has days that are foggy or hard or downright unbearable. EVERYBODY. WITHOUT. EXEPTION.
And those days are really important. For this is where we could get lost if we just let things slide. And sometimes we may get lost for days, or months, or even years. But it is also on those days we have the opportunity to carve into our minds and lives which direction we sincerely want to take. To change direction requires just that; a conscious direction-change. Ever so gently, step by step. But with increased focus on where the heart longs to go.
Want to know what my first tiny step was? It was a really easy one (the first step should be small and easy, otherwise you won´t do it; you are after all in the middle of a swamp…). I watched this wonderful video with two love-beaming power ladies, and felt embraced, seen and inspired.
With wishes for loving but firm leadership of the parts of us that sometimes can be lost in swamps.
Love from Lise.

af Adam | mar 13, 2015 | Finding strength, From my life, New art, Paintings, Soul speed
I just finished this, one of my bigger paintings:

“River of my heart/ Hjertets flod” – 31,5 x 47,2 in/ 80 x 120 cm, acrylic and paper on deep edge canvas. Price: 925 $/ 6.500 kr.
“The river of our heart flows continuously. It contains every emotion, every color, light and darkness, and also all our greyness. Sometimes deep, sometimes low and shallow, and always weaving through life’s landscape of narrowing and widening, wild forests and fine gardens. Its task is to FLOW. And it wants to flow freely, and in return it brings joy in abundance when we dare let it do just that.”
– Lise Meijer
– Lately I have been pondering how emotions are like the weather: they shift according to all kind of outer influences – like high or low pressure, warmth or cold, and also pollution and many other outer or inner causes. It takes a lot of skill to learn to predict the weather, and even when the expets have done their best – they can be wrong! The weather color very much how we experience the day & the world, and it is NEVER permanent! Also, there is always, always a blue sky or a crisp clear starry night to be found behind the clouds.

Above: Celeste (11) recently did my hair with an upside – down heart which I loved!!!
It is the same story with emotions: they move through us all the time and like the weather they can never be completely fixed. They appear due to the processes we are exposed to, inside and outside ourselves, but it can be hard to always determine what caused them to turn up. And even harder to change them when cloudy emotions seem to fill the whole inner sky. The best cure of cloudy emotions I know is MOVEMENT! Any kind of movement; physical exercise, a walk, going to the cimema, doing some cleaning or tidying or creating something. It is also the last thing I want to do when stuck in heavy emotions. But once I do, things slowly shift. It often takes a while, but there will be a shift.
And believe me, I had many (MANY) mornings in my life where I had no idea of how to get myself unstuck enough to begin working! Especially during the latest years where all I had to do was to get up, go upstairs and get myself to create. Wonderful when you FEEL like it! And seemingly impossible at other days. But I have sincerely come to love the fact that there IS something I can do about that state, even if I don´t feel the effect immediately.
I love the fact that I can change my inner weather!
And when nothing else works, I go to the chapter “Mood shifter” in this wonderful book. Highly recommended!
With love from Lise.
PS: as always, I ship worldwide with joy, both items from my shop with prints and cards and original art!