af Adam | sep 29, 2015 | Finding love, From my life, Paintings

“Healing hearts/ Helende hjerter” Acrylic and paper on canvas, 24 x 30 cm 1600 kr. For sale.
Text in the painting reads:
When we want something with our will and act on it, we create a direction, a movement. Directions and movements are powerful; they can move mountains and people. They can create the wildest new things and tear the old and dusty down to pieces. They can leave their mark and shape the world.
Directions can also clash. When two wills headed in opposite directions collide, conflicts can arise. And it is often worst when the two wills thought they were going to the same place. And bang, they collide, abruptly stopped. And get angry with each other, for no one likes being stopped in their progress.
And out there in the land of wills and actions, where everything is directions and creating power, it is often difficult to resolve this conflict.
It actually CAN´T be resolved from that place; the two wills are already moving in two different directions. Each of them of in their full right to do so. It takes strength to move mountains, all power needed. So the only focus there is room for in the country of wills and directions are often: That mountain has to be moved! And so, the two wills collide like two angry bulls ready for battle. And I have yet to meet anyone who has successfully coached two angry bulls into happily grazing side by side.
To resolve the conflict, we must sidestep and be silent. Completely quiet. So quiet that we can listen above and below and right into the middle of the very core of life. So quiet that we can hear the earth below us, with all the layers of primeval history. So we catch the universal melody of the past and future and endless possibilities in one. So quiet that we just ARE, without needing to move anywhere, because everything is right here and always have been. So quiet that we ARE love.
In love, it is not just possible, but completely natural that there is room for several directions at once. In love, coexistence is a wonderful opportunity to honor our differences while we create and contribute with each our bit to the world. Even when it’s hard and it looks like what we want are opposites, each of us can continue to live and act without being stopped by someone who want something seemingly different. Deeply rooted in love.
Do we need to enter a meditation room or a monastery to be quiet for hours or days every time there is a conflict? For God´s sake, NO, certainly not! The silence of love is timeless. For some it works to practice in a monastery or a meditation room. Personally I love to practice this healing quietness when I paint and create things. It is a state that works through us, and it doesn´t take more than a tiny moment to create a healing difference in a conflict. As lont as that moment springs from the love in a quiet heart.
Is it easy? NO! (permission granted to shout from your lungs full volume!)
Is it possible? Yes it is. (said with quiet wonder, like when you are unsure whether it is a lark you can see in the sky, and just have come to agree with yourself that “yes, it is”.)
With big love, from a sometimes frowning bullhead with an also soft and quiet heart.
af Adam | sep 25, 2015 | Finding love, Finding strength, Lise Meijer Web Shop, Soul speed, Uncategorized

Be gentle – available as signed print, just click the picture…..
The gentleness you give yourself carefully nourishes your inner willingness to open yourself to life. When you treat yourself gently, your zest for life is allowed to come bubbling like a liberated source from within your own core.
Carefully you are being listened to by the most important person in your life – yourself – and slowly you become open to the dance of life, of sheer pleasure simply because you can and want to. And in that dance lies a great strength.
Willingness to the dance of life can not be stamped out of the ground or planned to the surface (though both stamping and plans have their place in life). The desire to be part of the dance of life must be nurtured from within, with gentleness, good things and much listening – from yourself to yourself.
It is a powerful gift to be gentle with yourself.
Love from Lise.
PS: The image “Be gentle with yourself” is available as A4 signed print HERE. Perhaps you or someone you know would love a this sweet reminder for the wall? As always, I ship worldwide and package with care & creativity so it will indeed feel like a gift when you or your loved ones receive the items at the doorstep.
af Adam | sep 22, 2015 | Finding courage, Finding love, Finding strength, Lise Meijer Web Shop
Anyone needs a hug today? Here´s a serving for you!
It is so much easier to relax and be ourselves when we feel loved just as we are in the middle of our ordinary everyday life. And more YOU being yourself = more of your brilliance for the world, and oh does the world need it!
Not the big X factorly brilliance we often call success, even though that can be enticing and sometimes even deep and brilliant in it´s own way.
But the more quiet brilliance. The brilliance of being just like you are, shining with that, sharing that with the people you have daily encounters with. Sharing what you truly love, with love. Seing with love. Seing really, deeply. Love moves away so many obstacles, effortlessly like the sun melts the snow. And a hug is a wonderful transporter of love. And the quiet everyday messages of love to yourself. Perhaps it´s time to make a wonderful cup of tea and recall your appreciation for YOU. Your struggles. Your willingness to keep trying. Your brave heart that refuses to grow hard and continues to search for understanding and love even when it is tough or takes time.
You are SO brave for trying!
PS: The photo: “A hug in a mug” is available as A4 print HERE and also in double size (A3) HERE – along with many other prints, posters & cards. You can browse the richly filled shop RIGHT HERE
PPS: when searching for a video on forgiveness yesterday, I came across THIS HEARTMOVING TALE, in case you need it. xX
af Adam | sep 2, 2015 | Finding courage, Finding love, From my life

This morning I asked my morning pages:
“What could I tell to explain how Vision boards and life visions work? What do people need to hear to know if it’s something they want to pursue?”
And then I went to make a cup of coffee. And as I stood there in my own thoughts, watching the espresso brewer (one of those Italian owns you put on a hotplate until the heat makes the water into steam which is forced up through the coffee) turn water and coffee beans to a wonderfully fragrant brew, this answer came to me:
“Tell them what you see here, in front of your eyes. Explain that it is possible to do the same with our lives. That just as it takes heat to make the water and beans into coffee, in the same way it takes passion, to make a person´s abilities and talents flourish in the world.
For you humans forget so easily that inspiration and passion are possible when you don´t have it, and you begin to think of life is an obstacle or a competition. And you continue until you become stressed or ill. So tell them, and yourself, that there is another way – so you will remember. ”
And that is true, and that is what I will do, I do know the other way. And I must regularly remind myself of it – and practice. For so much in this world makes me forget it.
ALL of us (yes, also YOU – I swear) has a unique combination of skills and talents. But to brew a wonderful life we need a sustained and steady amount of passion. Passion is like fire that burns and, like heat, it needs a good energy source.
And that energy source consists of several things, but a really important one is that we have visions. Clear, passionate, playful, thinking-out-of-the-box-and-the-lid-off-visions!
And then, it needs us to create actions from our visions, immediately! So the steam don´t go out. But not all at once – oh, no, just with small doable steps, so we don´t burn out.

Our life requires – much like coffee – a good amount of heat & passion to become a wonderful brew.
If you live in Denmark, I have a course just about that, all info HERE – last signup this friday!
And if you live abroad, here are some links you may enjoy, about how to keep that daily passion burning.
Love to you + your day from Lise.
PS: If you want to know more about morning pages, you may enjoy to read THIS

af Adam | jul 8, 2015 | Exhibitions, Finding love, Paintings

“The music between us” – mixed media on canvas, 13 x 18 cm SOLD
(New art – part of a series of mini-paintings for my exhibition in Pakhuset– sold)
You are a life-musician. Yes, you are!
You create music in the way you interact with others. Your life-music is moving energy that vibrates in space. That music can move, give courage or heal.
In musical ensembles, one of the most important things to master is the art of listening attentively, while at the same time contributing with your own sound. To give and take your space simultaneously, like in a dance.
Many people’s greatest wish today is to be heard. And often there is a lack of attentive listening. But for every voice that needs to be heard there must be an attentive and courageous listening ear.
You can be that listening ear in the world. And contribute to a more harmonious world-melody with your ability to be part of an ensemble. Watch and give time. Listen to the spaces in-between. Maybe you need to wait with speaking? Or perhaps it’s time to talk firm and loud? Give space and notice the spaces. And then contribute with something you truly feel is needed. And feel how the music evolves.
You can start with listening to yourself and then move on to extend this service to someone you meet.
With your listening attention, you can help someone else to also watch and listen. It´s attractive and contagious!
Big love from Lise.
PS: I hear you!