af Lise Meijer | nov 21, 2017 | Exhibitions, Paintings
“Your true colors” 40 x 50 cm, 3200 DKK
“Det har jeg aldrig prøvet før, så det klarer jeg helt sikkert!” var ca. hvad jeg i bedste Pippi-stil hørte mig selv sige , da præsten Lene fra Adventskirken i Vanløse spurgte om jeg ville skabe et sæt figurer til kirkens julekrybbe.
Heldigvis gik jeg igang i god tid, for det var slet ikke så let som jeg troede, det der med at lave holdbare figurer i 3D. Men nu er Josef, Maria og det lille Jesus barn klar til at stå og lyse i kirken i juletiden!
Ved samme lejlighed er der udstilling af mine malerier i kirkens lokaler i hele december og januar.
Herover ses Maria og Josef under tilblivelsen
Udstilling: LAG AF LIV OG LYS – Fernisering søndag 26.11
Efter gudstjenesten, som starter kl. 10.30, holder vi fernisering på udstillingen med originale mixed media malerier. Selve ferniseringen finder sted ca. kl. 11.15. Her fortæller jeg historien bag mit liv som kunstner og om selve processen bag både figurerne til julekrybben og billederne. Desuden vil jeg synge et par af mine sange for jer. I forbindelse med receptionen byder kirken på et lille glas.
ALLE er velkomne.
Udstillingen kan ses frem til ultimo januar i kirkens åbningstid.
Du kan læse mere om udstillingen på kirkens hjemmeside.
Adressen er: Adventskirken, Sallingvej 90, 2720 Vanløse
Måske vi ses på søndag!
Kærlig hilsen Lise.
“Giving Back” 21 x 30 cm, 1400 DKK
af Adam | jul 8, 2015 | Exhibitions, Finding love, Paintings
“The music between us” – mixed media on canvas, 13 x 18 cm SOLD
(New art – part of a series of mini-paintings for my exhibition in Pakhuset– sold)
You are a life-musician. Yes, you are!
You create music in the way you interact with others. Your life-music is moving energy that vibrates in space. That music can move, give courage or heal.
In musical ensembles, one of the most important things to master is the art of listening attentively, while at the same time contributing with your own sound. To give and take your space simultaneously, like in a dance.
Many people’s greatest wish today is to be heard. And often there is a lack of attentive listening. But for every voice that needs to be heard there must be an attentive and courageous listening ear.
You can be that listening ear in the world. And contribute to a more harmonious world-melody with your ability to be part of an ensemble. Watch and give time. Listen to the spaces in-between. Maybe you need to wait with speaking? Or perhaps it’s time to talk firm and loud? Give space and notice the spaces. And then contribute with something you truly feel is needed. And feel how the music evolves.
You can start with listening to yourself and then move on to extend this service to someone you meet.
With your listening attention, you can help someone else to also watch and listen. It´s attractive and contagious!
Big love from Lise.
PS: I hear you!
af Lise Meijer | nov 26, 2013 | Calendars, Cards, Collaborating, Exhibitions, From my life, Lise Meijer Web Shop, Prints, Sale
It´s time to celebrate! Many of you have been supporting my webshop by buying Calendars (almost sold out!), cards and signed posters and it´s blooming in there. I decided to celebrate with a POSTER-PARTY: Buy one get 1 of any of my 4 BIG 50 x 70 posters!!! Yes, truly. Only today and tomorrow!
Here´s how it works: You order one of the BIG posters in the shop (or 2, 3, 4… and I will double the amount!!!) When paying you write in notes which one you would like in addition (can also be the same one(s)). Use this chance if you want, and THANK YOU!!! To buy go HERE!
The posters look amazing put in a frame, a real vitamin-boost of color and soul-frequency to your walls!
Also, I had my first ever stand at a small Christmas-market this weekend. I have sort of been avoiding markets the last years, thinking it was too much work for just a couple of days. And it was a LOT of work! (Like moving in with an entire small shop for just 2 days and then packing it all up again). But it was also heartwarming, fun and rewarding in so many ways. I will never again underestimate the impact of actually meeting customers face to face. Or have people come up to me who knew my products but never saw the face behind them.
And, I got to have collegues for 2 days, picking up coffee for each other, helping out with small practical details and so on. I am not going to promise anything, but I am thinking I will do this again. Perhaps even go to another part of the country, could be fun!
af Lise Meijer | okt 4, 2012 | Cards, Exhibitions, Paintings, Uncategorized
(New work)
Coming sunday the 7th october from 3 -5 pm is the opening of my exhibition on Bakkegaard, Møn, Denmark.
If you are in the neighbourhood you are WARMLY INVITED. I would looove to see you there, truly! Come drink and snack and watch and chat!
That day only there will be 50 % off all Lise Meijer cards and posters, including some very cute new ones. Small, french vintage-inspired cards. And, of course the big and glossy ones and the signed posters.
(French vintage-inspired card: “Slow down – let passion find you”)
During the autumn holiday in week 42 there are “french tea-room” at Bakkegaard every day from 2 – 5 pm
On saturday the 20th oct. I will be doing two workshops in the exhibition-room:
1 pm TODDLER SINGING CLASS (RYTMIK), 2 – 5 years, price: 40 DKK
3 – 5 pm: CREATIVE MIXED MEDIA WORKSHOP involving patterned paper, buttons, canvas and other fun materials. Price 75 DKK. All ages from 7 and up welcome!
Please make sure to reserve your spot at your chosen workshop beforehand, simply call Vivi and Uffe on Bakkegaard: 55 81 93 01
(French vintage-inspired card “Coffee and flowers are also important”)
Exhibition 7th oct. – 16th dec. 2012: Bakkegård gæstgiveri Busenevej 64, Busene DK-4791 Borre, Denmark.
Bakkegård homepage:
af Lise Meijer | aug 27, 2012 | Collaborating, Exhibitions, Funny coincidences, Uncategorized
I love how my latest exhibition in at “Emely and Elliot” in Næstved (Denmark) turned out. I really think the owners did a wonderful job at fitting the paintings into their delicious shop and café. They never had exhibitions before, here is how this one happened:
Above: bird-painting/ birdcage match!
I can thank Stinne Gorell who makes the most wonderful and cool design with pure wool for this sweet match. She called me one day from shop where they are selling her design, saying she had found just the venue for me to exhibit and sell paintings. Also, she had already shown the owners images of the paintings and they were keen to see more. What a match, Stinne really has an eye for that!
So an exhibition was planned, and is now up. Some of these images, like the two above, was actually created inspired by the french vintage style that I love so much about this café. You see part of the café life outside too, wonderful little corner of Næstved is this.
Above: bigger paintings and goodies on the shelf
“Old friends” found a nice spot
For some reason this little exhibition makes me very happy. I think it is many things: The way it happened shows once again that no one can do it alone, we all need to give and recieve help. And that way we can all be more.
Happy also because I flair with beautyful surroundings and things, it matters to me big time. And this café is seriously a favourite place….they even serve soya latte!
And happy because I remember being a little discouraged the day Stinne called. That call that day was the small but important hint telling me to keep up the work and spirit….and some days I really need that. I guess we all do.
And that to me is the beauty: We can´t exactly plan how help and openings will come our way. But we can do our part of the work , and for the rest stay open for oppurtunities. And when they come, we can say thank you and go with them.
Thank you life.
af Lise Meijer | apr 20, 2012 | Exhibitions, Paintings, Uncategorized
"Time to nurture /Tid til at nære" Acrylic and paper on canvas, 24 x 30 cm
Lately birds have been appearing in my paintings. I guess spring-time has it´s influence, there is so much joy in hearing the birds sing stronger every day, and seing their busy signs of creation starting all over right now.
"Quiet now/ Stille nu" Acrylic and paper on canvas, 30 x 40 cm
The text in the above painting reads:
“Quiet now, allow the pieces of life to settle in their own way and time. Even a shaken world can be transformed to a wonderful mosaic – with time.”
"Listen/ Lyt " Acrylic and paper on canvas, 18 x 24 cm
These paintings are now for sale. They are all quite small. Bigger ones in process. Just drop me a line and if you are interested, and I will send you a price-list.
You can leave a note below or e-mail me on: [email protected].
I also want to invite you to become my friend on facebook, I would love to connect and exchange inspiration. You can find my profile right here, just send a friend request. Often this is where I show latest paintings or art in process.
Upcoming Exhibiton:
During this summer I will be part of an exhibition in Galleri Pakhuset, Klintholm havn. It is a charming old building in 3 stores with more than 20 artists and hand crafters showing their work!
Opening day is sunday the 29th april at 13:00.
If you live in Denmark near Møn, I would love it if you would come by to say hello!