I´m so glad to be here!

“Dancing with life”, print available here.

Today I found this little writing I made a while back. It reminded me why I am here and what is really important. I could use that today, still settling in and adjusting everything after moving into our new house (pics coming soon). I actually wrote it as en “about” piece and never used it. Maybe I will! Wanted to share it with you:

Let me sing a song about life and I will flourish. Let me paint with luminous colors and I will be light. Let me dance alone or with others and my soul will begin to sing. Let me write, and my life story will unfold as the pen moves over the paper.

Let me learn from the stones that make me stumble, and I will grow deep roots of understanding. Let me see and experience all that is beautiful and good and true and authentic, and let me help create, and I have fulfilled my purpose.

But don´t ask me to dwell long on explanations or evidence. For we have been allowed to tread on this beautiful earth, and I will use my time here to be actively parttaking and live as good and beautifully as I can. I am so proud and grateful to have been given the chance to be here, as a human being on this green and blue earth.

Thank you.


Last weekend we finally moved into our newly build house where Rune has put so many hours of co-building during this last year. It was only a 3 meter move from our caravan-home to the brand new house. We had been longing for this for months, but I think it´s mildly put when I say we were completely overwhelmed by the impact such a small move can have.

(pics above from the first evening, before we filled up the place with a lot of stuff and boxes with no place to put- yet.)

By how much time and work it takes to settle in a new house, even when it´s a fine new house with an actual kitchen with drawers and hot water and all. And me, I have had such an incredible hard time finding a place inside and outside of me to relax since moving. Like as if I was here but none of my patterns and ways with good things were build here yet.

(We are all in love with the spaceious/friendly feel of our big kitchen/living-room…and with the color of the back-wall!)

These last days I have done a lot of running around myself, waiting for things to settle, for order to appear – so that once again I could move forward with my life and gracefully handle the challenges at hand, so I thought.

But then I realised: Hey, this is it! I am right here, in the middle of my life + learning opportunity. And if I grump and put my life on hold until we have put all into place, then I am really missing out on some BIG learnings.

After accepting that, here´s what I am learning, right now:

  1. That in a situation with a lot of pressure/ stress, I have to settle the nerves and the physical needs first, before even trying to fix the mess. To insist in time to write, to sleep, to eat well. And then to allow space for a laugh together, a chat or a little dance on this brand new floor.
  2. Then, simply pursue the task at hand one step at a time, accepting that it will take a while before this place is fully funktioning.
  3. To do nr. 1 over again every day; insist in time to write, have a nice talk, eat well and healthy, and get enough sleep. And also, to listen to this brand new possibility that a new home holds. Who knows how we will all grow and flourish in this wonderful home….

“Quiet now… allow the pieces of life to settle in their own way and time. Even a shaken world can be transformed to a wonderful mosaic – with time.” Original sold. Print available here.

Above: before the house got filled with us + all the business that a move involves

Here is the space that is going to be my working space, soon! I am sooo looking forward to create a space for painting and writing and doing office-stuff.

Helping hands

I know we are in this life-business together. I know we all need help from time to time, and each single one of us also have something we can offer to help others out.  And I know we can only be of true help when what we offer rings with our own integrity and mission in life.

These days I am recieving help that I couldn´t even have thought out and it humbles me completely. Believe me, I have tried to need help so desperately and not feel it came to me at all. I was probably repelling or not recognizing any help that could have come my way by being too full of needyness, rather than open to recieve with grace.

What I experience now is this: I have been so full of passion about this card-and-poster-project, and even though I knew I would not be able to do everything alone I jumped out and started it anyway, taking it one step at a time. And I have seen how help sometimes can come as from out of the blue when we are well, and doing our best with something we love. I am not saying I totally cracked the code of how this works, not at all, but I know for sure that it helps getting outselves into a place of well-being and passion rather than feeling like a victim.

I also know the help coming my way right now is not help given to me as a person, but to the essence of the products I created that are now eager to find their way into the world.

“Answering the stars” Original sold, signed print available here

One day some months ago, I wrote in my journal that I felt it was time to begin to sell cards and posters internationally. The day after, a visionary lady Janita from Holland offered from “out of the blue” to help me find shops in her country who would  sell my cards. She would do it out of pure support of the products. We only knew each other via facebook, and yet I knew instantly that it was genuine and that it would be ok to accept this most welcome help.

(Photo credit for the wonderful shot af Janita and the cards above: Paul Kelly)

She did an awesome job, here she is in a wonderful store in Groningen where they just ordered the second batch of cards, yay!

If you want, I would love to hear your storyes of needing help, and waiting for help, getting it, asking for it…..and maybe recieving it in surprising ways….?

Web Shop Open + Opening offer…ta-ta-ta-daa!

I am sooo exited: my very first webshop (in the whole world ever) is now open:http://www.etsy.com/shop/LiseMeijer

8 different BIG AND GLOSSY cards AND 8 different posters with truly deep and beautyful colors + all filled with passion and meaning are now for sale right here in the brand new Lise Meijer shop.

Above: cards in groups of 4 from the shop. The cards are seriously big and super glossy. They each make a real treat as a  card or as a small poster to go up on the wall. Go check them out here.

OPENING OFFER (of course): if you hurry and buy in the coming week and latest on june 24th, I will add an extra card on top of your purchase, just note in the buyers note which one of the 8 cards  you wish to be gifted! Yay, take off shop, take off and fly…

Above: Creative quickie, it reads:

“Oh, the inspiration luring just behind the door, around the corner, inside me when I´m still.

Come inspiration, I have a home for you, I want to play, to nurture you, to give you a voice.

I am ready to open the door – wide up!”

“Time to nurture, time to sing, it´s your time” Print available in Lise Meijer shop.

Oh, and please, share the shop news with anyone you think might appreciate it, share away, thanks a lot!

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