af Lise Meijer | aug 26, 2013 | Home tour, Paintings, Prints, small joys, Soul speed, Uncategorized
She welcomes you with candle light and scented lavender oil. She helps you relax. She will caress you and take you in, and allow you to stay as long as you want. She is a delight. She is not big, but she is ours and she is perfect!

We finally, finally got our bathtub! I feel entitled to say: I got MY bathtub! I have had it on my wish list since I last lived with one, and that is soooo long ago. I was in my twenties and studying. Living in a shared apartment in Copenhagen with other young people. And we had a bathtop – and I promised myself that a bathtub should definately be part of my life, also after I moved from that place. But for some reason I didn´t manage to give it first priority until now. There are some things in life that makes us feel really, really good in body and mind, and for me, taking a bath is one of them.

I often get my best ideas here. A bath makes it easy for to leave the state of being concerned with practicalities. It helps me connect to another more meditative state where creativity is a dance with beautiful ideas coming from outside of this planet.

“Slow down” Original painting for sale, details here. Also avalable as a print (on sale rignt now!) here.
In all the years between then and now I did take baths, though, and I will pass on the secret on how in case you also love baths but don´t live with one now: I simply bought the biggest plastic-childrens-bathtub I could find on the market, and squeezed myself into that, using wet towels and a watercan to cover the parts that didn´t fit in. It worked fine, I definately recommend it as a plan B solution!

Still I am utterly thankful that we now have a real one in our home. She will be used again and again…..
af Lise Meijer | jan 28, 2013 | Home tour, small joys

(Carrying roses, print now available in the webshop)

I can feel spring! It always seem to signal it´s arrival in january, in the middle of frost and snow. I know, it is way too early to anticipate green leaves and flowers everywhere. It could easily become a very long wait. It´s not about that either. It´s about that tingling in the air that gives a bubbling feeling of hope and light as I walk through the stove-heated house and look at the white light outside. It inspires me and lifts my soul. And I don´t mind waiting for real spring, as long as the light continues to create small wonders….

I love this bird-house a neighbour gifted us as for our new home. Can´t wait to put it into use!

And love how the light plays with my coffee tray. And I love drinking coffee seved on a tray…even when it´s served by myself during a work-day!

And roses in vases in january!
Thank you light, for lifting our spirits!
af Lise Meijer | dec 24, 2012 | From my life, Home tour, small joys

- It is a joy without words for me to finally have reached the point where we can decorate this new wonderful space in our home. After so much hard work with finishing the house, (Rune did an amazing job, working every evening after work for months), and after 7 weeks of flu in the family, with very little energy, it is like a healing to be able to ….make a home

Celeste has been so busy. She was worried if it would ever become christmas, so instead of waiting for us to fetch the box with decoration, she created new…tons of them, and they are so beautyful!

Celeste is now 9. She is sweet, caring in an honest way and very cool, knowing how she want things. I think she really enjoy growing up, so good to see how she is finding her very own way with things.

Vincent and Celeste created the winter landscape on their own this year. Love how they work together on a project they both love….

Vincent caught me cooking the Risengrød! Oh how I enjoy finally easing into our new home, kitchen, filling every corner with simple activity that says: HOME. So happy we are not ill any longer (we had 7 weeks of it. 7!!!)

Christmas fairy

The details matter!

The “Nisse” has got his very own spot, slightly hidden from the world as he likes it!

My father and Karen gifted this angel to us months before we moved into our new home. The plan was to hang it as soon as we moved. When I finally did, I felt immediately so strangely protected. Funny. It´s made by my fathers neighbour from pure wool.
Wishing every single one of you that the true sense of christmas, the essence of kind actions and forgiveness and a quiet inner joy may find a home in your heart during this holiday, and that you may feel refreshed and more ready to enter a brand new year….soon!
af Lise Meijer | nov 10, 2012 | From my life, Home tour, Lise Meijer Web Shop, Soul speed, Uncategorized
Last weekend we finally moved into our newly build house where Rune has put so many hours of co-building during this last year. It was only a 3 meter move from our caravan-home to the brand new house. We had been longing for this for months, but I think it´s mildly put when I say we were completely overwhelmed by the impact such a small move can have.

(pics above from the first evening, before we filled up the place with a lot of stuff and boxes with no place to put- yet.)
By how much time and work it takes to settle in a new house, even when it´s a fine new house with an actual kitchen with drawers and hot water and all. And me, I have had such an incredible hard time finding a place inside and outside of me to relax since moving. Like as if I was here but none of my patterns and ways with good things were build here yet.

(We are all in love with the spaceious/friendly feel of our big kitchen/living-room…and with the color of the back-wall!)
These last days I have done a lot of running around myself, waiting for things to settle, for order to appear – so that once again I could move forward with my life and gracefully handle the challenges at hand, so I thought.
But then I realised: Hey, this is it! I am right here, in the middle of my life + learning opportunity. And if I grump and put my life on hold until we have put all into place, then I am really missing out on some BIG learnings.
After accepting that, here´s what I am learning, right now:
- That in a situation with a lot of pressure/ stress, I have to settle the nerves and the physical needs first, before even trying to fix the mess. To insist in time to write, to sleep, to eat well. And then to allow space for a laugh together, a chat or a little dance on this brand new floor.
- Then, simply pursue the task at hand one step at a time, accepting that it will take a while before this place is fully funktioning.
- To do nr. 1 over again every day; insist in time to write, have a nice talk, eat well and healthy, and get enough sleep. And also, to listen to this brand new possibility that a new home holds. Who knows how we will all grow and flourish in this wonderful home….

“Quiet now… allow the pieces of life to settle in their own way and time. Even a shaken world can be transformed to a wonderful mosaic – with time.” Original sold. Print available here.

Above: before the house got filled with us + all the business that a move involves

Here is the space that is going to be my working space, soon! I am sooo looking forward to create a space for painting and writing and doing office-stuff.
af Lise Meijer | feb 5, 2012 | From my life, Home tour, Visionmap
Here´s my office! I share an office-room with Rune, my husband, so we both had to be creative to make the most of our space. I treasure this corner. This is where I write emails, organize things, print cards and sometimes sit and write in hand (love that!) or other creative quickies.

On the wall you also see the space with small yellow notes. I am a “post it” fan, and I use the small notes to wise words or important messages. To the left is my favourite postcard-holder. I collect beautyful postcards, anywhere I go, I always have time to shop for wonderful cards. Desktop image from one of my paintings, this still makes me so happy: to put my own stuff into multiple functions.

This space is also where I hang my visionmaps, and other stuff dear to me. So good to have a physical home for dreams and visions. Below is one featuring the wish for great listening for which way to move plus the vision of abundance and well being through creative work. Images in the vision maps is either cut from my own things or from magazines, a ton of them!

Another vision-map, about joy of work and peace of mind going hand in hand.

I could surely use more space and will have, once our house is built, but till then I am so grateful for my corner. Cosy and functional and a place to return to and find my own traces.