af Lise Meijer | jul 10, 2019 | New art, Painting process, Paintings

Dear human.
I see you right there, in the middle. Dancing with the light, rooted in your darkness. It has been a long journey, but you are slowly learning to love both. Darkness give you grounding. Light lift your spirit. When you dance with the light and know your darkness, you are able to create magic – in the tension field between the two. That is what makes you human. And that is why I love you immensely.
– Lise Meijer 2019
Dancing with Light – paper, acrylic and pens on canvas (painted edges, no need to frame it).
See prices for all originals for sale
Contact me by mail or on (+45) 40547946 for purchase or questions about originals.
Would you like to own an original?
“Wow, it is even more luminous and vibrant in real life!” (said about original painting) And yes, it is. An original painting shines with the process that created it.
That is simply so. Hand, heart, thought …. And the inspiration that occasionally honors us humans with its joyous visit. These things can be felt through colors and lines in the room where the artwork is hanging.
It is special to be in a room with an original work of art.
See all the paintings for sale HERE And don´t hesitate to contact me, by answering this e-mail or call (+45) 40547946.
Worldwide shipping
Love from Lise.
NB: All paintings are treated with UV filter-lacquer so that the colors can sing year after year.
af Lise Meijer | apr 17, 2018 | New art, Paintings

“Standing in Gratitude” Mixed media on canvas, 24 x 30 cm – find it HERE – and please contact me directly for questions about originals
A few pieces of new art has been listed, one of them is this about GRATITUDE
“If you allow yourself to be grateful for the little things you already have, your heart will start to ring with the tune of gratitude.
It does, however require one thing: that you let go of the false luxury of complaining. As in LET IT GO. STOP. NO-GO. NADA. NIENTE.
It is NOT easy. Believe me, I often want to….”
(read full text in today’s Creative Tuesdays Vitamins:…/hvordan-man-trder-vk-fra-mangel-og-ind…)
Love from Lise.
af Lise Meijer | jul 28, 2017 | New art, Paintings, small joys

“You are a blessing”, paper, pens & acrylics on canvas, 24 x 30 cm. – 1200 DKK/ 206 USD)
The words in this painting reads:
“You are a true blessing. With all your funny quirks & odd colors. You are NOT a burden! You are you……You are a life force, an honest party, a true story and a waterfall of inspiration & beaming smiles. You are a blessing, just as you are!”
One day I was sitting browsing some favorite music videos, and in then my eye caught something in the background of Ed Sheerans “The fault in our stars” video: a yellow stick-on-note on a creative note board with those handwritten words: ” you are NOT a burden”. It only showed for a second or less in the video. But for some reason it moved me deeply. To tears actually. And I felt a deep, deep soul-relief.
Why? I know that many Creative people in this world sometimes feel as if they don´t fit in. I guess all humans feel that from time to time, but I think creative thinkers feel that more frequently.
In this part of the world we have been so, so trained in logic thinking and often so undernourished in our creativity. It takes a lot to stay true to our creativity in a time like this. Our bubbling way of thinking may be perceived by others as funny, weird or even beautiful….but not always as clever or useful.
Many people feel they have been so “de-creativized” (YES, a new word!!!) that logic and common sense seem to rule the day rather than dreams and visions. In that picture creative thinkers may appear as slightly odd and non-practical or without the feet on the ground compared to people who are more logically inclined.
We may even feel as if we are a burden. To others. And to life itself. Just by being ourselves. With all our bubbles. But of course we are needed, too! Very much so. And of course we all need a bit of both logic sense and creativity to have well being and visions and a practically functioning happy life.
Cheers to all our beautiful creative minds who sometimes say or do the oddest things! Our oddnesses makes every single one of us so special!
Xx Lise.
af Adam | jul 28, 2017 | Exhibitions, Finding love, Paintings

“The music between us” – mixed media on canvas, 13 x 18 cm SOLD
(New art – part of a series of mini-paintings for my exhibition in Pakhuset– sold)
You are a life-musician. Yes, you are!
You create music in the way you interact with others. Your life-music is moving energy that vibrates in space. That music can move, give courage or heal.
In musical ensembles, one of the most important things to master is the art of listening attentively, while at the same time contributing with your own sound. To give and take your space simultaneously, like in a dance.
Many people’s greatest wish today is to be heard. And often there is a lack of attentive listening. But for every voice that needs to be heard there must be an attentive and courageous listening ear.
You can be that listening ear in the world. And contribute to a more harmonious world-melody with your ability to be part of an ensemble. Watch and give time. Listen to the spaces in-between. Maybe you need to wait with speaking? Or perhaps it’s time to talk firm and loud? Give space and notice the spaces. And then contribute with something you truly feel is needed. And feel how the music evolves.
You can start with listening to yourself and then move on to extend this service to someone you meet.
With your listening attention, you can help someone else to also watch and listen. It´s attractive and contagious!
Big love from Lise.
PS: I hear you!