Creative Quickie – when you DON´T have time to create

Creative Quickie – when you DON´T have time to create

Here is a small gift to you: Receipe on how to be creative when you don´t have much time for it.

A Creative quickie is a small exercise I invented when I was a new mama to child No. 2, and child No. 1 suffered from a nasty child eczema. My time and energy to be creative was drastically cut down, but the ideas kept coming and I was very frustrated not to have the opportunity to act on them. And that did not help my children.

Perhaps you are in a situation in your life right now, where the energy and time to be creative is not quite as you could wish? Or maybe you just want to learn a nice little exercise that can make even the most stiffened creative juices gently flowing again?

If you have just 5 to 10 minutes, you can make a Creative Quickie like the one you see above. It is a kind of Creativity medicine, recommended in small daily doses. Diminishes frustration about no time to be creative, and opens strengthen inspiration and action.

You will need: a magazine, a piece of white paper, a glue stick, a marker and the will to risk being embarrassing / crazy / too much.

Here is the recipe:
1. Browse a magazine or anything you have with pictures in, that it is OK to cut in and rip out 1 – 3 images that for some reason speak to you. Dont´t try to understand why, just tear them out!

2. Glue them randomly on a blank piece of paper, using a glue stick. I use a notebook without lines, but it could just be any blank piece of paper.

3. Take a deep breath, then write whatever words come to your mind. Can be one word, or several sentences. If you wish, add some doodling. Any writing tool will work, but I love to use a permanent marker so I can also write on the glossy magazine pics. Allow yourself to be a little silly/bold. Enjoy the freedom: no one has to see this, it´s  just for you!

That´s it! This way you can create your own little “dream-carrier- pages” and know that in just 10 minutes you have both been creative AND kept your bigger creative dreams alive until one day you will have more undisturbed time and energy to act on them.

Love from Lise

PS: At the summer-painting workshop Talking with trees, there will be lots of little exercises like this. It is possible to rent rooms for overnight accommodation, thus making the workshop your own little creative vacation. Read more HERE

You are a true blessing (& NOT a burden)!

You are a blessing

“You are a blessing”, paper, pens & acrylics on canvas, 24 x 30 cm. – 1200 DKK/ 206 USD)


The words in this painting reads:


“You are a true blessing. With all your funny quirks & odd colors. You are NOT a burden! You are you……You are a life force, an honest party, a true story and a waterfall of inspiration & beaming smiles. You are a blessing, just as you are!”


One day I was sitting browsing some favorite music videos, and in then my eye caught something in the background of Ed Sheerans “The fault in our stars” video: a yellow stick-on-note on a creative note board with those handwritten words: ” you are NOT a burden”. It  only showed for a second or less in the video. But for some reason it moved me deeply. To tears actually. And I felt a deep, deep soul-relief.


Why? I know that many Creative people in this world sometimes feel as if they don´t fit in. I guess all humans feel that from time to time, but I think creative thinkers feel that more frequently.


In this part of the world we have been so, so trained in logic thinking and often so undernourished in our creativity. It takes a lot to stay true to our creativity in  a time like this. Our bubbling way of thinking may be perceived by others as funny, weird or even beautiful….but not always as clever or useful.


Many people feel they have been so “de-creativized” (YES, a new word!!!) that logic and common sense seem to rule the day rather than dreams and visions. In that picture creative thinkers may appear as slightly odd and non-practical or without the feet on the ground compared to people who are more logically inclined.


We may even feel as if we are a burden. To others. And to life itself. Just by being ourselves. With all our bubbles. But of course we are needed, too! Very much so. And of course we all need a bit of both logic sense and creativity to have well being and visions and a practically functioning  happy life.


Cheers to all our beautiful creative minds who sometimes say or do the oddest things! Our oddnesses makes every single one of us so special!


Xx Lise.

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