(Today´s blog post is dedicated to first time-mamas, read more at the bottom about why. Of course, it is dedicated to creativity too, to “Creative Quickies”.)

Dear mama

Are you sometimes feeling a blast of inspiration – perhaps when baby is asleep and you just had 10 breaths and a coffee all by yourself? Do you feel the urge to DO things, write, arrange, create, build, sow, rearrange?

And do you then, not very long after that, feel a deep and burning frustration of not having enough time or energy to even begin, let alone complete that project you felt so inspired about just an hour earlier?

That´s how I felt when I was a new mama. And that´s how the “Creative Quickies” were born!

It´s so simple and it takes 10 min´s to do it. And, it gives your inspiration a place and outlet that in itself can be very healing.

Build your dream

 (Creative Quickie: “Build your dream – step by step, piece by piece, the only surefire way!)

Here is how it works:

1. Browse a magazine or anything you have with pictures in that it is OK to cut in and rip out 1 – 3 images that for some reason speak to you. Dont´t try to understand why, just tear them out!

2. Glue them randomly on a blank piece of paper, using a glue stick. I use a notebook without lines, but it could just be any blank piece of paper.

3. Take a deep breath, and then write whatever words come to your mind. Can be one word, or several sentenses. If you wish, add some doodling. Any writing tool will work, but I love to use a permanent marker so I can also write on the glossy magazine pics. Allow yourself to be a little silly/bold. Enjoy the freedom: no one has to see this, it´s  just for you!

That is it! This way, you can create small “dream-carrier-pages” and know that in 10 min´s you have both been creative AND kept your bigger dreams alive until a day where you will have more undisturbed time and energy to act on them.

I can

It´s ok to not have time for much creativity when most of that energy is going toward a new dear life. But it´s not ok to feel as if our thoughts and inspiration doesn´t have a home any longer. A Creative Quickie can, amongst many other benefits, be a remedy for that.

Hope you will enjoy trying it out!

Now, go visit some of all the other blogs, there is so much care, laughter, remedy and inspiration for new mamas in this amazing group of bloggers!!!

Being a first-time mama is an amazing experience. The New Mama Welcome Pack blog hop is a celebration of this life changing event! Follow the links to discover more unmissable advice, stories and essential tips. And if you’re a new mama who wants to rock motherhood without guilt, overwhelm or losing yourself, check out the New Mama Welcome Pack here.

New Mama Welcome Pack / Lotte Lane / Dreaming Aloud / Zhendria / Birthing in Conscious Choice / Natalie Garay / Eli Trier / Knecht Ruprecht / Lise Meijer / Naomi Goodlet / A Lifestyle By Design / Story of Mum / Like a Bird / Holistic Mama / Birth Geek / Joyful Parenting / Stroller Packing / My Healthy Beginning / Mums and More / Kate Beddow – Growing Spirits / Ellen Nightingale / Stacie Whitney / Maternity Leavers / Photography for Busy Parents / Close Enough To Kiss / Atelier Susana Tavares / Offbeat Family / Katie m. Berggren ~ Painting Motherhood / Winship Wellness Blog / Liberate From Weight / Jessica Cary / Art + Craft / Raising Playful Tots / Peaceful Mothering / Play Activities / Lauren Nenna / Nurture You / The Adventure Mama / Be Wise Be Healthy / b.a.d.momGoodmom / Doula in Your Pocket / Making Mom Strong / Adrienn Csoknyay / Joyful Parents / Alison Hummel / Simple Solutions for Photos / Lynne Newman / Euphoric Birth / Mumpreneur Mentor / A Walk in the Clouds / Parenting on the Fence / MiaMily

(Today´s blog post is dedicated to first time-mamas, read more at the bottom about why. Of course, it is dedicated to creativity too, to “Creative Quickies”.)

Dear mama

Are you sometimes feeling a blast of inspiration – perhaps when baby is asleep and you just had 10 breaths and a coffee all by yourself? Do you feel the urge to DO things, write, arrange, create, build, sow, rearrange?

And do you then, not very long after that, feel a deep and burning frustration of not having enough time or energy to even begin, let alone complete that project you felt so inspired about just an hour earlier?

That´s how I felt when I was a new mama. And that´s how the “Creative Quickies” were born!

It´s so simple and it takes 10 min´s to do it. And, it gives your inspiration a place and outlet that in itself can be very healing.

Build your dream

 (Creative Quickie: “Build your dream – step by step, piece by piece, the only surefire way!)

Here is how it works:

1. Browse a magazine or anything you have with pictures in that it is OK to cut in and rip out 1 – 3 images that for some reason speak to you. Dont´t try to understand why, just tear them out!

2. Glue them randomly on a blank piece of paper, using a glue stick. I use a notebook without lines, but it could just be any blank piece of paper.

3. Take a deep breath, and then write whatever words come to your mind. Can be one word, or several sentenses. If you wish, add some doodling. Any writing tool will work, but I love to use a permanent marker so I can also write on the glossy magazine pics. Allow yourself to be a little silly/bold. Enjoy the freedom: no one has to see this, it´s  just for you!

That is it! This way, you can create small “dream-carrier-pages” and know that in 10 min´s you have both been creative AND kept your bigger dreams alive until a day where you will have more undisturbed time and energy to act on them.

I can

It´s ok to not have time for much creativity when most of that energy is going toward a new dear life. But it´s not ok to feel as if our thoughts and inspiration doesn´t have a home any longer. A Creative Quickie can, amongst many other benefits, be a remedy for that.

Hope you will enjoy trying it out!

Now, go visit some of all the other blogs, there is so much care, laughter, remedy and inspiration for new mamas in this amazing group of bloggers!!!

Being a first-time mama is an amazing experience. The New Mama Welcome Pack blog hop is a celebration of this life changing event! Follow the links to discover more unmissable advice, stories and essential tips. And if you’re a new mama who wants to rock motherhood without guilt, overwhelm or losing yourself, check out the New Mama Welcome Pack here.

New Mama Welcome Pack / Lotte Lane / Dreaming Aloud / Zhendria / Birthing in Conscious Choice / Natalie Garay / Eli Trier / Knecht Ruprecht / Lise Meijer / Naomi Goodlet / A Lifestyle By Design / Story of Mum / Like a Bird / Holistic Mama / Birth Geek / Joyful Parenting / Stroller Packing / My Healthy Beginning / Mums and More / Kate Beddow – Growing Spirits / Ellen Nightingale / Stacie Whitney / Maternity Leavers / Photography for Busy Parents / Close Enough To Kiss / Atelier Susana Tavares / Offbeat Family / Katie m. Berggren ~ Painting Motherhood / Winship Wellness Blog / Liberate From Weight / Jessica Cary / Art + Craft / Raising Playful Tots / Peaceful Mothering / Play Activities / Lauren Nenna / Nurture You / The Adventure Mama / Be Wise Be Healthy / b.a.d.momGoodmom / Doula in Your Pocket / Making Mom Strong / Adrienn Csoknyay / Joyful Parents / Alison Hummel / Simple Solutions for Photos / Lynne Newman / Euphoric Birth / Mumpreneur Mentor / A Walk in the Clouds / Parenting on the Fence / MiaMily

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