af Lise Meijer | apr 11, 2019 | Uncategorized

New art: Tango hands, Tango faces and Tango feet – 30 x 30 cm (app 10 x 10 in). See all paintings for sale HERE
Right now, I’m totally bitten by painting people, and especially inventing new ways to integrate people into mixed media backgrounds.
It seems that mixed media backgrounds with layers of paper and colors mix so well with images of humans – we consist of a thousandlayers, and none of us are ever finished with getting to know ourselves or each other, because there is always just one layer more ; deeper, higher, wilder, quieter (in Danish this is not a word, but it should be!), and more honest!
Well, it is a good thing that I am now finished with my tango trilogy, because I have not had time to dance tango out of pure paint-desire. And there need to be a balance!
Love from, Lise.
af Lise Meijer | feb 5, 2019 | Uncategorized

That the image “It is all connected” is showed on an entire page as an illustration for a touching poem by Inger Schiøtt
in the latest issue of New Aspect, makes me both happy and honored.
But that all employees from New Aspect AND Cosmos Center came by and handed the magazine in person – that is pure magic!!!
They had asked if I wanted to lay house, songs and story to an experience for the staff team, and I said YES!. And I’m so glad I did: Beautiful, humorous and warm-hearted, passionate people filled our living room and my studio. Laughter and attentive listening. Appreciation of what really matters.
Thank you life, for this experience. And thank you New Aspect and all dear employees, for bringing both beautiful magazine and your special energy.
In case you want to become a subscriber to New Aspect (in Danish), there is an offer right now where you get 4 numbers for only 100 DKK. (Save 275 DKK, hello!). Find the offer on their website. Super exciting and well-founded magazine on topics related to your body, mind and spirituality.
Cheers to the magic circles of life.
Love from Lise.
Photographer: Claudia Ziehm

af Lise Meijer | jan 22, 2019 | Uncategorized

“Wow, it is even more luminous and vibrant in real life!” (said about original painting) And yes, it is. An original painting shines with the process that created it.
That is simply so. Hand, heart, thought …. And the inspiration that occasionally honors us humans with its joyous visit. These things can be felt through colors and lines in the room where the artwork is hanging.
It is special to be in a room with an original work of art.
Pay with ViaBILL: The payment can easily be divided into installments of up to 10 months with ViaBILL. Contact me if you want this, then I will create the painting as an item in the shop, and you can pay at just the pace that suits you.
See all the paintings for sale HERE:
And don´t hesitate to contact me, by answering this e-mail or call (+45) 40547946.
Worldwide shipping
Love from Lise.
af Lise Meijer | sep 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
The last 3 years, we have opened our house and my studio on the first Sunday in November, inviting everyone who would like to come enjoy some art, coffee and irish music.
And it has been such a cosy event that we did not have to think long before we decided: WE WILL DO IT AGAIN!
Therefore, you and your loved ones are warmly invited in our home/ my studio on Sunday, November 4th, between 11 AM – 5 PM
You can read all about the event right HERE
Love from Lise.
af Lise Meijer | jun 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
I have recorded a small video for you. No, that is not at all true: I have recorded a very long and rather boring video! I have not yet learned the tricks on how to create deliciously edited videos that last for max. 5 minutes and still conveys the important stuf. That will hopefully come, but until then ….
If you are among those who think it’s exciting to see other people paint, or if you lean towards the theory that boredom is healthy – or, if you have sometimes wondered what it would be like to be a fly on my wall while I paint (I´m not imagining you necessarily dream about being a fly), well, then you have the chance now: 1/2 hour raw and unedited painting time where I chat, hum and are a bit crazy whilst gluing paper on the canvas and allow it to turn into 3 dragonflies in a bigger painting.
WATCH THE “BORING” VIDEO! (During the first 2 minutes I tell part of the secret of how I draw the dragonflies – and from where I get the images – and perhaps you will like the ending too…..scroll away all you like!
Love from Lise.
PS: would you love to learn how to use paper in this way then come join the summer workshop from 27-29 July. 3 wonderful days with time for the immersion it can be hard to find in everyday life. There are currently two available rooms left for overnight students, so if you want one you should probably not wait too long with booking.
af Lise Meijer | jan 18, 2018 | Uncategorized

“It is all connected”, 40 x 50 cm 429 Euro
During my daily rounds, I don´t constantly feel connected to the universe and unicorns! I can´t always feel, see or hear the deeper currents in life.
But when I paint, it is sometimes as if I can “see” things through the brush. As if the wisdom that is always present, can get better access to me through images.
This was the case with this painting. It came sneaking up upon me to let me know that everything is connected – all the time. I knew that – with my head. Now I also know it through hand and heart.
And if I forget – I will just have to paint again, so that I remember!
Love from Lise.
“It is all connected”, 40 x 50 cm, mixed media on canvas – 429 Euro.
You can browse all paintings that are for sale right now by visiting GALLERY/ PAINTINGS FOR SALE