I recently felt the need to reconnect with simple things that bring joy. Like buying this new apron to wear during painting sessions. Feels so good to wear a brand new apron for painting, like spilling milk on the floor and having a laughing party!

And writing morning pages, the wonderful tool from this wise creativity teacher. And asking my daughter to take a pic. She did beautifully, right?

And go on a trip with two wonderful woman, my cousin Annita and aunt Gerda! Visit the tiny winy island Nyord together and be tourists, discovering small gardens with openings to new worlds on Nyord

 and be open for spontaneous coffee breaks in homey gardens, here in the local restaurant

garden interior a´la´Nyord…

 feeling happy because someone placed a white chair just there, and someone else painted their fence green!

loving old signs, here sale on wine form Copenhagen

– meeting a shop on every corner

….yes, really every corner!

and easily being convinced that it must be Coffee time again already!

Feeling grateful for it all!

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