May the road rise up to meet you! Blessed 2013…


(“Sunshower”, original available)

“May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

And rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

(Old Irish blessing)

I love the simplicity and sincerity in the blessing above. Here, as I am gently getting aquainted with this brand new year 2013, these words that I originally know from a song keep sounding in my mind.

And also this:

“Remember, we are in this life-business together”

I know I am seeking to find a certain balance in 2013. To grow into a maturity where, whilst creating and pursuing and even going crazy wild with my own dreams, I all the time hold in my heart that I am part of a big tribe called Humans. We all are in this together. Interconnected in ways we may not even begin to comprehend the full scope of.


(Above: my 2013 calendar)

I know that every single one of us have our own dreams. However deep they may be buried, they are there. I know they are. I know you have dreams too. I am sure of it. Even if we don´t feel or hear them right now, they are still there, waiting for us to pay attention. And I also have come to know that those dreams are compasses, they point us in powerful directions in life. They whisper how to pursue what we came here to accomplish. And when we listen, they speak with a growing confidence, adding so much joy and a sense of meaning to any life. My life, your life. Revealing the dreams we did not even know was there. All it takes to begin is listening.

May 2013 be a year where many, many people listen carefully, helping those dreams get a chance to be born into life!

May the road rise up to meet you…..

love and best wishes for your 2013!


Heart, lift your wings of joy!

Wings of joy(Heart, lift your wings of joy, print available here)

 There is snow here in Denmark, and as always it reminds me to quiet my soul, it´s like a hush made by nature, reminding me of the importance of inward, heart-filled moments at this darkest time of year.

Right now I have two mindsets struggling to take up space in my life: One constantly reminds me of a to-do-list that only keeps growing. We just moved house about a month ago. And since the move we have all been ill in turns, and still are. My camera stopped working, my computer needs fixing and on top of that this is the busiest time of year for me, workwise. Oh, and did I mention that my workspace is still in boxes? From that level life seems like a no-win-situation.

Then, there is the other mindset, the snow-hushed one: It  gently tells me that all those things are just details in the bigger picture of life, and that the true importance lies somewhere else: In every day finding back my vision for what I want to do wiht my life. Even if I don´t have time to do it all now. In taking the time to decorate envelopes with hearts for my webshop, simply because I can and love to do it.


It whispers that it may be wise to take that 10 min´s walk through the snow, trusting that life will grant me enough time to manage the important things from my list. It tells me a tale of how tending to my inner state whilst doing the best I can witht the time I have got is not only good enough, but very wise.

And if my first mindset is not yet convinced, it frankly suggests that this way will even be more efficient in the long run. The most enjoyable mindset? Nr 2, clearly. So, today I choose to trust that of course I have enough time to live my life with joy! Sending you smiles out there, and now on with my to-do-list!

Finding peace inside the great puzzle of life

“Quiet now. Allow the pieces of life to settle in their own way and time. Even a shaken world can be transformed to a wonderful mosaic – with time” Mixed media on canvas, print available here.

The painting “Quiet now” was recently sold. The woman who bought it wrote me the sweetest mail where she told that she had to own it because it gave her a deep and serene feeling of peace. It made me truly happy to hear that.

Happy, because like most people, I sometimes wonder if my contribution to the world really matters.

Happy, because that´s exactly what those words caused in me too.

And happy, because I swear I did not think out this painting and words on my own. They came to me as small parts of a puzzle one day and landed on my canvas. Small soothing pieces from somewhere. And they simply asked me to be there and put the puzzle together. Still today if I have a day of feeling chaotic and without understanding of my road ahead those words give me peace.

Thanks to that angel or fairy or Inspiration who whispered just the right kind of soothing words that day when I needed it. And thanks for being allowed to create and pass it on, and to feel the deep joy of how we are indeed connected to each other during our time here. And how each of us is needed and have  an important part to play  in this puzzle called life.

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