Time for details

(“Time for details” signed posters available HERE)

The last weeks I found myself absorbed in details. Sometimes the big picture doesn´t seem clear, or perhaps right now is not time to try to understand the full scope of why I am here,  what I am doing or where I am going. That´s how I feel at the moment. Instead I found myself utterly enjoying all kinds of details. I also discovered something, a discovery that came from taking up a new practice, I call it: “Daily Deliberate Gratitude”. 


(Celeste, me, Vincent and Rune on a forrest walk, aaaah!)

I heard many people speak warmly of practicing gratitude (I am sure you have too) but this is the first time in my life I took it up as a daily thing. Since the beginning of this year I have been doing my Daily Deliberate Gratitude, calling over 3 things I am grateful for every evening before going to sleep. Let me just join the chorus: it works wonders in so many fine ways!!!


(Freja, one of our 2 dear cats; they add a lot of well being to the whole family, and they seem happy with us too!)

So here is what I discovered: I saw how Details and Gratitude interconnect. 9 out of 10 times it was the details that caught my Gratitude-attention, rather than the big things. Small things like a tender hug from my son, the quiet time spent with one of our cats, the forgiveness in my husbands voice after a misunderstanding. The moment of letting myself shower in the returning sun and light. A helping hand at the right moment; being allowed to also be there at the right moment for someone else. The beauty of candles reflected on the shelf, creating a new picture on its own. A well brewed coffee.

Celeste pakker kort

(The kindest and very professional helping hands from Celeste)

I would recall 3 of those things every evening and what I discovered was this: By noticing and giving thanks for the small things I began sometimes waking up feeling grateful for EVERYTHING. A spontaneous grateful feeling throughout my body. I didn´t even notice that I did NOT feel this very often before, but I certainly noticed the difference. What a blessing to wake up feeling grateful!

Detalje knag køkken

(Detail from our kitchen, just love this towel rack from a local market)

detalje m maleri lys
(This little setup with a painting and 2 of my favorite candle holders puts a smile on my face; they somehow just fit!)

In sincere gratitude for all the details in life.

Xx Lise.

PS: If you love postcards with details (including the “Time for details” postcard), check out this pack below of 8 cards – totally cute if you frame them, or to give away for small joys!

Birds and nourishment

Pack of 8 cards available HERE, worldwide shipping with care and joy!

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