Opening night

Here´s a few shots from the opening night of my exhibition in Havdrup last week.  It was such a heart-warming experience. Kind people, wonderful dialogs, and a soft, intimate feeling. I truly enjoyed it. And the fact that my husband was able to be there (and that some great people took care of the children!) made it even more special. He is the photographer, so no shots of him this time.

Row of  30 x 40 cm paintings

Chatting with people, it´s me in the dress

I had produced lots of cards and posters to sell too, and as you can see they were displayed on all the tables, great idea by the way. A clever lady suggested that they were on every table rather than in a basket, half hidden. That way, peoople could sit with the cards in hand, either planning to buy or just looking at the close up pictures of the paintings.

Always fun to see the paintings in a new “home”

Theese two was painted in the Do What You Love– retreat in may, in class with Flora Bowley

Peter (organ-player, now at the piano) and I sang 6 songs, collected for their soul-warming ability.

….and I told a bit about the painting process.

And then the wine, the chats and the softness of being amongst friendly, supporting people.

I drove home completely filled with gratitude. For life. For the sheer joy of doing much more of what I love to do this last year. For all the support I have felt since I started painting again, last february. It feels like such a long time ago. Now I can´t imagine that for years and years I lived without taking the time and effort to express myself through painting on canvas. I can´t believe it took me so long to have my first solo exhibition.

But somehow time doesn´t seem to matter, whenever there is true passion involved. Life don´t punish us for not doing what we love. It doesn´t take the passion or talents or gifts away from us. Instead it  instantly supports us when we do use them. We may neglect them, but they are still there, waiting.  And it doesn´t matter at what point in life we are, when we take up our passion. Just the fact of doing what you love to do whenever you can, is what seems to matter.

And I am so grateful for having found a way to do more and more of what I love to do, and drive to share it, and sell it!  And for having a husband that supports me in doing that. And for friends that understand this journey, and who are also finding space for passion in their lives, following their dreams and finding the integrity in that.

Hibernation – or what moves under the surface

It has been busy times here. So much to do in december and now again, in this brand new year, it seems like it is never stopping. I yearn to go deep in dwelling processes, creating and searching, and still tasks seem to present themselves with no end. I know you know this pressure thing. I am sure of it. It is part of living in this time, things tend to become pressing and you can almost feel your aura bend inward because of the pressure.

But there is something new next to this experience this time. Something that makes it less stressful than before. Maybe it is part of me getting more mature (In the end of this month I will turn 44, it does sound mature, right?) Or maybe it has got to do with the fact that this year I finally started painting on canvas again, and selling my paintings, after about 18 years of putting it off.

(Welcome maturity)

Yes, 18 years of moving all my stuff from house to house until one day years back I finally sold it all, thinking: If I am to paint, it will have to be a fresh start!!! And then one day this spring it was clear that it was time. Time to paint. Time to live not only the third or second best dream, but the dream that was almost too good to be true. The dream that, after all, was my first career choice, way back. I will tell that story here soon, promise.

(That´s me, shortly after starting to paint again, happy, happy)

A settlement has come to accompany me that says: “I am doing my best at what seems to be the strongest channel of joy I can offer the world right now. That is the best I can do.” Or, like the wonderful creative inspirator Julia Cameron says: “I will take care of the quantity, God will take care of the quality.”  There is more than us at stake when we create. But we do need to get the paint on the canvas. And to do that brings such a settlement in my life, even during testing or chaotic times.

(Finding oneself)

To paint and show my paintings to the world is the source of such a deep joy that I find it hard to describe. So, the new thing is that I am not as caught up in all the pressures I meet as I was earlier in life. I also know that the only way to calmness and deep breaths is to be calm and to take deep breaths. So simple and so hard when you are in the hurry of it all. I know deep down that it does not work to try to finish the to-do-list first, before I treat myself with respect. Because, that to-do-list may grow longer and longer, and it surely will controll me unless I take the lead.

(Heart, lift your wings of joy)

So the truth is, that in spite of all business, I had such a wonderful christmas-time and some very needed days off with my dear family. We were home, just the four of us and I could feel the deep, deep quiet in nature. And I simply began letting go. Letting go of all the cards I did not manage to write. Of the fact that I didn´t post here for sooo long. Of all the things I thought I should or would do. Many  small or big things. I let them go, and sank into this quiet deep being-state that is so readily available this time of year, if only we allow it a little space to work its wonders.

(Give time)

I heard winter-time described as the time of year where all life-forces move deep down under the surface where gems and juices are held and worked on by little dwarfs until next spring when it all comes gushing out into the seen world again. I love that thought. This was partly what inspired the christmas card (above) I painted for our village christmas card-prints this year. So here´s a new years toast to all that moves under the surface even when we feel we get nothing done. Who knows what may grow out of our pot next spring? On now, to dreams and visions for 2012.

(From the creative quickie book. The text reads: Imagine that you woke up one day and discovered something much greater than you ever expected growing out of your pot!)

first vernissage and a lucky candle

Yesterday I had my first real vernissage. I had exhibitions before, but never with a real opening with bubbly wine and snacks and cake. So I got to talk about my pictures and creative process. And I sang a song I wrote about how inspiration can jump into you when you see something that speaks to your heart. That is what happened to me just before starting to paint again. Maybe I will tell that story here one day.

It felt like a treat to have the space and time to share it, and I got a bit carried away and spoke longer than planned. I guess I was allowed since it was first time. There should be a learning curve to everything…

So thankful for this whole experience. It felt like a key step in some ways.

This weekend I was invited to the neighbours house for cake together with Vincent (our son, 5 years old). Wanted to bring something small and nice. Decorated a candle in such a simple way, totally enjoyable.

I used: 2 kinds of gift-wrapping-band, glue and 3 felt-butterflies.

Celeste (our 8 year old daughter) also loves to make things. She made me, with help from a skilled crafter at school, the little wonderful pen-holder. I put it onto use immediately.

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