af Lise Meijer | jul 10, 2019 | New art, Painting process, Paintings

Dette maleri blev delvist til under forårets kursus “Mal mennesker”. Jeg skulle bare lige hurtigt vise noget. Og så blev bunden til et maleri lagt, med omrids af dansende kvinde. Det er sket for mig ofte. De demoer jeg laver på mine egne kurser ender ofte som malerier. Det er sjovt hvad der sker når noget “bare er en prøve”, er for sjov, ikke gælder i virkeligheden. Så bliver udtrykket ofte langt mere friskt og interessant end når noget er nøje planlagt. Det oplevede jeg med dette maleri.
Jeg har skrevet en lille tekst til billedet:
“Kære Menneske.
Jeg ser dig, lige i midten. Dansende med lyset, rodfæstet i dit mørke. Det har været en lang rejse, men du begynder at lære at elske dem begge. Mørket giver dig jordforbindelse. Lyset løfter din ånd. Når du danser med lyset og kender dit mørke, bliver du i stand til at skabe magi – i spændingsfeltet mellem de to. Det er det, som gør dig til menneske.”
Lise Meijer 2019
“Danser med Lyset/ Dancing with Light) måler 30 x 40 cm – papir, akryl og olie pastel på lærred – se priser på alle originaler til salg HER
Vil du eje et original maleri?
“Wow, det er endnu mere lysende og levende i virkeligheden!” (sagt omoriginal maleri) Og ja, det er det. Et original maleri dirrer af processen som skabte det.Sådan er det bare.Hånd, hjerte, tanke….Og den inspiration der indimellem beærer os mennesker med sit frydefulde besøg. Disse ting mærkes gennem farver og streg i rummet hvor kunstværket hænger.
Det ER særligt at være i stue med et originalt kunstværk. Det er muligt at låne et original maleri med hjem og prøvehænge det, inden du beslutter dig.
Se alle malerier som er til salg HER Og tøv ikke med at kontakte mig, du kan f.eks ringe på 40547946, eller svare på mailen her.
Kærlig hilsen Lise.
NB: Alle malerier har malede kanter, samt kroge bagpå så de er lige til at hænge op! Desuden er de lakeret med UV filter, så farverne kan synge år efter år. Jeg sender gerne dit maleri smukt pakket – prisen plejer at ligge på ca.100 DKK for fragt i DK.
af Lise Meijer | apr 17, 2018 | New art, Paintings
Der er et par nye malerier at finde under Galleri/ malerier til salg! Bl.a. dette som omhandler TAKNEMMELIGHED:
“Stiller du dig, så du tillader dit hjerte at være taknemmelig for de små ting du allerede har, så vil hjertet begynde at ringe med taknemmelighedens tone.
Det kræver kun én ting: at du slipper den falske luksus det er at klage. Som i SLIP. STOP. NO-GO. NADA. NIENTE.
Det er IKKE let. Tro mig, selv jeg har ofte SÅ meget lyst til at…..
(læs hele teksten i dagens Kreative Tirsdags Vitamin:…/hvordan-man-trder-vk-fra-mangel-og-ind…)
Kærlig hilsen Lise.
af Lise Meijer | sep 12, 2017 | New art

“Your true colors” 40 x 50 cm, 3200 DKK
Kære du.
Det er efterår, og du ved ikke helt hvordan du skal bære din nye dragt. Du mindes forårets spæde farver som berusede og lokkede, og åbnede døre i dit liv så let som en æbleblomst flyver i vinden. Senere nød du sommerens farveorgie mens du lukkede øjnene og dansede i en kjole af duftende roser. åh, så flot du var i dit sommerskrud!
Alligevel foretrækker jeg dit efterår.
Jeg mærker hvem du i virkeligheden er, når efterårets gyldenhed skinner igennem alle dine blade med sandhedens lys. Jeg ser alt det som hele tiden var inden i dig, udenpå. Det vise. Det rå. Det som er bange for at dø. Det som ved, at kærligheden aldrig dør. Det bundærlige, som de ord du tør udtale når du ikke længere har noget at tabe, men alt at vinde.
I dit efterår ser jeg det hos dig, jeg ved jeg kan stole på. Jeg ser du ting du har bygget inden i dig, en rigdom ingen kan stjæle. Kvaliteter som lever fordi du har vundet dem, hver og en, gennem dit livs smerte og glæde.
Og jeg ser den ydmyghed der bor hos den som har erkendt sine egne fejl, og indset at det i grunden slet ikke er fejl; blot et område af livet hvor kærlighedens lys endnu ikke er trængt helt ind.
Jeg ser din vildskab – din styrke, og din evne til at sætte din egen retning uden at knuse andre på din vej.
Jeg elsker dig, fordi du er dig selv med alle dine farver. Og jeg elsker din efterårs dragt!
Kærlig hilsen Lise.
PS: teksten er fra Kreative Tirsdags Vitaminer, skriv dig på og modtag dem i din indbox hver tirsdag:
af Adam | apr 28, 2015 | Lise Meijer Web Shop, New art, Paintings, Prints, Uncategorized

Dear friends.
I have been painting a lot lately. And facebooking a lot. And also Instagramming. And of course sending out my newsletter with shop offers and free printable and stuff. (Subscribe here if you like!). I have not been blogging much though… a bit too many balls perhaps!
But today I am eager to share two new paintings with you. They kind of appeared as twin-paintings, as you can see above.
The first one is about letting go and recognizing your own garden of love. The second is about that natural bond there is between girls, woman, ladies:

“Letting go”, acrylic and paper on deep edge canvas, 60 x 80 cm. – 4.800 kr. / 24 x 32 in, 690 $
This one comes with a small text:
“Let your hair down and allow the wind to flutter through your soul. Release the birds. Dare for a while to doubt and loosen your grip. Let whatever you kept bound in fear, fly freely.
And see, you stand on a fertile ground of love. It was given to you at birth and you can never lose it. Every time you love, forgive, release or look at another with honest, clear eyes, it becomes richer and greener. Water it frequently. And above all: enjoy it! And smile at all the birds you love when they come to refresh themselves in your garden, again and again.”

“Sisters by Nature”, acrylic and paper on deep edge canvas, 60 x 80 cm. – 4.800 kr. / 24 x 32 in, 690 $
The second painting is about that special bond that can be between ladies, woman, girls. A sense of natural connection and understanding that is so special, and, to most ladies, so, so important. I kind of really like how they turned out, plus I personally like the light and green colors a lot.
They are both part of a local exhibition rigth now in Pakhuset, Klintholm Havn on Møn here in Denmark. That is a very charming place. We had the opening last sunday complete with all the 25 artists and over 200 guests, live music, pizza from the local pizzaria (which happens to be the best in the area) and of course drinks and lost of smiles and chats. I love those kind of happenings! Here is a peak into my little booth there, it´s almost a small shop complete with cards, posters, cups and Calendar. And, of course the paintings. If you are nearby I recommend a visit to Pakhuset, this old 3 store building filled with art!

I love how in every booth you get a glimpse of the next; this way the arts and crafts blend and compliment each other very well!

Gotta say, I am actually very happy with the cups! They are really beautifully made with a fine shining finish – in our home they are a clear favorite, and they make a wonderful gift with joyful, uplifting images.

You can really sense how old and raw the building are – that´s also why it´s only used from may to september; it´s too cold in the winter but very charming during summer time. A big bonus is that this part of Møn is very well visited because of the many tourists coming to enjoy the special Møn´s Klint, the beautiful white cliffs.
Till soon, and take much care,
af Adam | mar 13, 2015 | Finding strength, From my life, New art, Paintings, Soul speed
I just finished this, one of my bigger paintings:

“River of my heart/ Hjertets flod” – 31,5 x 47,2 in/ 80 x 120 cm, acrylic and paper on deep edge canvas. Price: 925 $/ 6.500 kr.
“The river of our heart flows continuously. It contains every emotion, every color, light and darkness, and also all our greyness. Sometimes deep, sometimes low and shallow, and always weaving through life’s landscape of narrowing and widening, wild forests and fine gardens. Its task is to FLOW. And it wants to flow freely, and in return it brings joy in abundance when we dare let it do just that.”
– Lise Meijer
– Lately I have been pondering how emotions are like the weather: they shift according to all kind of outer influences – like high or low pressure, warmth or cold, and also pollution and many other outer or inner causes. It takes a lot of skill to learn to predict the weather, and even when the expets have done their best – they can be wrong! The weather color very much how we experience the day & the world, and it is NEVER permanent! Also, there is always, always a blue sky or a crisp clear starry night to be found behind the clouds.

Above: Celeste (11) recently did my hair with an upside – down heart which I loved!!!
It is the same story with emotions: they move through us all the time and like the weather they can never be completely fixed. They appear due to the processes we are exposed to, inside and outside ourselves, but it can be hard to always determine what caused them to turn up. And even harder to change them when cloudy emotions seem to fill the whole inner sky. The best cure of cloudy emotions I know is MOVEMENT! Any kind of movement; physical exercise, a walk, going to the cimema, doing some cleaning or tidying or creating something. It is also the last thing I want to do when stuck in heavy emotions. But once I do, things slowly shift. It often takes a while, but there will be a shift.
And believe me, I had many (MANY) mornings in my life where I had no idea of how to get myself unstuck enough to begin working! Especially during the latest years where all I had to do was to get up, go upstairs and get myself to create. Wonderful when you FEEL like it! And seemingly impossible at other days. But I have sincerely come to love the fact that there IS something I can do about that state, even if I don´t feel the effect immediately.
I love the fact that I can change my inner weather!
And when nothing else works, I go to the chapter “Mood shifter” in this wonderful book. Highly recommended!
With love from Lise.
PS: as always, I ship worldwide with joy, both items from my shop with prints and cards and original art!
af Lise Meijer | okt 23, 2014 | Finding courage, From my life, New art

“”City of Dreams/ Drømmenes by” Acrylic and paper on canvas, 24 x 30 cm 1200 kr.
I know I have some work to do. We all do. Mostly work about being human. It´s quite a job, right? And I know that right now that involves fuelling my dreams. Why do I know I need that? It´s very simple: I don´t feel uplifted and inspired like I know I can. I feel stuck in a state I don´t enjoy being in. When I think about times to come and what is to happen I don´t FEEL that bubbling anticipation. And from that, a state doubt can creep in, and in the end that can lead to more permanent states depression and all kind of other states that are not very uplifting. So, I know it is time to pour some fuel on my own soul.
But HOW???
The thing is, I know how. It´s really simple. But it takes actions. And from the state of clueless uninspiredness the last thing that seems tempting is to move into action, especially if it looks anyting like WORK.
So, I better find some soothing actions that can get me moving, so I can feel my own willingness again. And I do know plenty of wonderful ways to do that:
1. move the body. Dance, run, do pilates. I mostly don´t do long sweaty sessions, just a small run or dance or a 20 mins pilates does it for me.
2. Make a Creative Quickie, you can read about what that is and how to do it HERE and some more inspiration HERE
3. Write freely and non-stop for 20 mins, giving voice to ANYTHING from mondane thougts about shopping to deep worries
4. Clean. Truly, I kind of hate cleaning. But really, setting the clock for 20 mins and cleaning just a small part of the house creates some of that needed feeling of flow and accomplishment
5. Talk to a friend. I learned over the years that this doesn´t always have be my most trusted friend, and sometimes we may even feel so lonely we don´t feel we have a trusted friend. This talk can be with any friendly person willing to listen for a while.
6. Go for a walk. Preferably in nature, if possible. But most important to just leave the house and walk.
7. Sing. I take my guitar, and simply begin playing and singing any tune. Often it turns into a 20 mins session. It helps me breathe deep and invites what ever feeling is hiding to come out. Sometimes even a song like this appears!
8. Help someone else. This can be really simple, like seeing a need and offering to help your neighbor with shopping or giving someone a lift. This shifts the focus and makes me feel a bit better about myself.
9. Take a bath. For some reason the mix of lying in hot water and BE without reading or watching or talking relaxes me so I can enter a state of BEING rather than DOING. From that state, I am more receptive from any kind of helping influence from my inner world or from someone else. Of course I lit candle lights next to the bath, and sometimes I add a fragrance with oil or salt to please the senses even more.
10. Ask for help. Sometimes it takes more to get us unstuck. And we need to ask for help. Asking for help can be hard when you feel stuck, but remember that EVERY person on this planet feels stuck and lonely sometimes. And by admitting it and asking for help we actually help others to find the permission to do the same. Ask the first person you can think of, book a session with a coach or a therapist. If you can´t get to any of those things from your current state, pray. Pray to whatever or whomever you believe in. To God, your Guadian angel, the Universe, Spirit or your own Inner true voice. Whatever feels right to you, just pray! That sends out a signal that you are open to receive help, and that is a start. I am convinced that there is something in this universe that can´t resist helping when we ask with a true voice and are ready to receive whatever comes back without judgement.
And a PS: I wrote most of this a few days ago, when I felt really stuck. In the mean time, I found the space to do nr. 1, 3, 4, 8 and 10. And I feel much better now, even a bit inspired. It works. I know it works to get moving with good soothing uplifting actions. And we need to remind ourselves and each other of this, often. Because that stuckness will happen again, at some level, as long as we live.
Oh, and PPS: A tip for writing your own list: it´s best to do it when you are feeling well. From that state you will be able to write a wonderful list that you then have ready for when you feel stuck. From the state of stuckness we often don´t feel like doing anything. Then we need the wisdom from our own state of well-bing, to know what to do and then simply begin doing it.
Take care, Love from Lise.