af Lise Meijer | dec 21, 2018 | Finding strength, Soul speed, Visionmap, workshops
“Og i sit hjerte holdt hun kimen
til alt det der ville spire og gro
når tiden var inde”
Kære du.
Idag, d. 21.12 er det vinter solhverv, årets mørkeste dag. Fra i morgen vender lyset lige så stille tilbage.
Jorden bærer i denne tid på dybe hemmeligheder – og solen, planeterne og stjernerne sender deres fineste energi hertil for at hjælpe forberedelsen som sker i mørket under overfladen.
Det er også i det beskyttende mørke i vores sind at nye muligheder fødes. Vore livsdrømme kan nyde godt af den fine energi lige nu.
Beskyt dem godt, som jorden beskytter sine frø. Find stille stunder til blot at sidde ved dem, være nær dem, som deres vidne. Bær dem ved dit hjerte. Indtil de en dag har fået næring nok til at møde lyset og begynde at spire der hvor alle kan se dem.
Kærlig hilsen Lise.
(Tekst fra Kreative Tirsdags Vitaminer, de er gratis og du tilmelder dig via boksen på forsiden her på hjemmesiden.)
PS: og skal dine drømme have ganske særlig nærings kraft i år, så holder jeg Nytårs workshop med vision board lørdag d. 12. januar. Læs mere under EVENTS
af Adam | jan 16, 2015 | Collaborating, Creative workshops, Finding courage, From my life, Visionmap
Let it be no secret! I love doing this:
….Yes, I love it when we honor our sincere wish to make life count, and when we use creativity as a tool to make that happen.
That is why I, in the beginning of every year, work with my visions in words and pictures. That is why I create Vision boards. And that´s why I love teaching Workshops using that and other creative tools.
This year, however, it seemed like an uphill process. At least at first; no inspiration, no joy. No feelings of anticipation when trying to catch my visions for 2015.
That´s when a group of ladies asked me to make a workshop and help them create their vision boards for 2015. “Oh no”, I thought, “I haven´t even created my own yet, and I honestly feel a bit stuck”. But that is the trick with these or any process. They DO work, but only if we DO them! And I had been stalling in “no action land”, which is exactly what so easily happens when what we need the most is to simply begin. And keep going with small steps. We humans can help each other so much, and sometimes asking someone for help might be the very thing that will help that person too. Good to remember!
So, inspired by the request I gave it a go with my own visions. It helped. I found out several things that I had not seen, that explained the resistance I felt. I saw that I needed to give myself permission to search for new ways – with business and with other areas of life – to really ask again from scratch what route it I wanted to take, and to be willing to make some changes. To say more boldly NO to things that no longer fits, even if it looks like it will generate an immediate income. To insist on working from a core of joy and service, rather than pushing myself into areas that clearly steals my energy. To dare not meeting expectations, my own and others. To dare listen, every day, to my intuition, which has proven over and over again to be a most trustworthy tool.
Slowly but steadily the fog lifted, and I began feeling that childish anticipation again. If I can, I know you can too! You can read more about creating a vision board RIGHT HERE.
Or, if you live nearby (Sjælland, Danmark), you can join my New years Vision workshop on saturday the 24th of january. A FULL day of diving into you own visions, using some wonderful creative tools like writing, movement and “Vision Boarding”. Sounds good, right? So, if you live in Denmark, this might be for you, I would love to meet you there:
Till soon, love from Lise.
af Lise Meijer | jan 9, 2014 | Collaborating, Creative workshops, Finding courage, Finding strength, From my life, Uncategorized, Visionmap
Dear you.
If you are in any way like me, you had a hard time learning how to make things happen in this world. I know some people are born as “action-people”. (If you are one of them, know that I admire you deeply!) I never understood how they made things happen so easily. With “things”, I mean everything in life, from creating a beaming home or a fulfilling work life to a blossoming social life or any other thing you want that takes ongoing action. I did all those things, but not really with full boost. I knew how to feel my way ahead and find my own inspiration which is also incredibly important qualities in life. I just didn´t get the concept of how ideas became reality on a bigger scale.
But over the last 10 years I began, very slowly at first and later with more juice and speed, to understand the concept of how to create something that I really wanted in this world. I am still learning, and I still have days where I feel like an elephant aiming to learn to dance ballet = it seems heavy and impossible. But I now know that it isn´t. And that makes a BIG difference. And one of the secrets is this:
Creativity + focus + actions (even the smallest tiniest ones) = making things happen. Quite simple actually, but only if you DO it.
I know that first we must set our heart´s compass for things that bring us joy and begin pursuing some of them with our creativity. And then add focus, over and over again. And when we have done that even just a bit, begin to take some of the many tiny actions steps that automatically will reveal themselves as possibilities when we work with our joy and creativity. Then things begin to happen.
Yes! Here it is: Creativity and focus. Added tiny actions. And things begin to happen.
They WILL happen. Not always as we imagined, but things happen when we make such an attractive cocktail. It is as if life itself supports it when we’re working that way. I know it because I’ve tried it myself. And I’ve also tried what doesn´t work, but I can tell you more about another day …
This spring I will begin teaching a course here in Denmark together with a wonderful coach and storyteller, Marianne, about how to find your vision, stay focused and begin making actions in that direction. And it´s all evolving around a…..wonderful creative scrapbook! So, danish people or adventurers from around the globe, the invite is here and it begins 18th january. Are you in? Would love to journey with you! And if you live too far away and still would love to work with these things, I am very open for international invitations, just saying! So, you are warmly invited and there are still open spots!
Invite for Vision 2014 course taking place 4 saturdays and a friday evening in Denmark, 2014
Creating Vision maps during a workshop
PS: if you are interested, here are some posts about my journey into doing more, with more passion in life:
af Lise Meijer | dec 28, 2013 | Collaborating, Creative workshops, Finding courage, Uncategorized, Visionmap
In good and wild news:
I am going to collaborate with a blessed storyteller and coach!!! Marianne Christensen and I will be teaching a brand new course about taking responsibility for our dreams. “Vision 2014” involves scrapbooking, storytelling and the power of finding your passion and creating a vision of it in your own book. A powerful combination of creativity and determination. I know how working with our visions can cause true transformation in our desired life direction. And I can hardly wait, it is going to be good!
Invite for Vision 2014 course taking place 4 saturdays and a friday evening in Denmark, 2014
You may not speak a word danish or live anywhere nearby. But I simply can´t help sharing this visual invite with you anyway. To make up for the language/placement issue, I promise to give you a few tips and hands on inspiration of how to make your own new years process at the end of this post. And if 2014 is going to be the year where you commit yourself to reach your goals, and you DO live nearby, I recommend you sign up NOW!
For years I had a special affair with New Years processes. I recall celebrating new years evenings as a teenager with my best friend, my notebook and candle lights whilst everyone else was out partying wildly. I loved it. And continued to love it to this day (even though I caught up on the wild party-thing when I got a little older, happy about that too!) Love the opportunity to cap one year and welcome a new by making conscious what was, and envisioning what lies ahead.
Later I learned more about the power of visualisation and cloaking our dreams with actual visible pictures, and began to incorporate it in my own process. And later in workshops for others. Vision-board-workshops as new years preparation is a very powerful and a truly helpful process. Like telling ourselves the story of our possibilities in a way that we can see them even when we thought we forgot. Because they are visible on a map right there on our own wall. And that opens the door to actually believing it.
Creating Vision maps during a workshop
Finding images for Visionmaps
Like promised, here´s some tips for making your own new years process. And if you do live nearby, I highly recommend joining our workshop. It could just be the extra assistance you need in meeting your own dreams in 2014. Contact me and I´ll send you the details!
Tips for making your own new years process:
Create your own Visionmap step by step (featuring my 2013 map oh yes!)
A free printable New Years Kit from “Do What You Love” that I found very helpful to keep focus.
And a soulful new years Blessing
Important to not stress about this. It´s not about getting it perfect. It´s about taking a conscious glance at a year gone by and sending out your wishes for what you would love to see in the year that is knocking on our door.
Love from Lise.
af Lise Meijer | feb 16, 2013 | From my life, Uncategorized, Visionmap
I am a fan. Of creating visionmaps. Or making drawings of our visions. Of writing thank you notes for things yet to happen. Or speaking our innermost unbelievable dreams out to a trusted friend or admitting it in a journal. I´ll get to why I am a fan…
For those of you who always wondered what those visionmaps are all about, or maybe just love to sneak peak, here´s how I create a visionmap, step by step:
1. Choose a theme for your visionmap
Find something you´d love to have more of in your life. I use journaling time for the choosing and finding out. You can choose to make a map of anything you want: A visionmap for attracting a loving partner, for a fulfilling worklife, a specific dream, for more sense of quiet in your life, more energy, or, like I do every year, a visionmap for what you wish for the coming year. Basically you can make a visionmap about anything you want to strengthen in your life.
2. Spend 45 minutes browsing (not reading!) through magazines, cutting out images for your map.
You cut out any image that rings with your vision. Be greedy, just cut, so you have lots of images to choose from later!
The important thing here is to go for images that for some reason appeal to you. If you for example want a lifestyle with more healthy food, and are making a map for that, you don´t need a ton of pictures with green salads or herbal tea. Find some (and if you don´t have any, browse the net and print one or two out), then go on collecting pictures that associates with the feeling you get from eating healthy food. Perhaps pictures of children playing, a sunset, birds flying. Friends laughing. Choose pictures that give you a happy uplifted feeling, that will support your vision! Get the picture?
3. Spend the next 45 min´s laying out and gluing your cut out pictures to your piece of cartboard.
Have fun with it, and if you wish, leave some space for wtiring small messages or confirmations on the map. If you like, Add some details like a coloured frame or small drawings, glitter, or other decor. Totally optional. I also recommend adding a bright picture of yourself somewhere.
This year I went a bit bananas and actually photoshopped a painting by me onto a magazine front-page and printed it out. It looks totally real. I am actually curling my toes right now with embarrasment!!! But still, it makes me believe that of course those magazines (or similar ones) would feature my art this coming year, thereby making it more known to people. Something very valuable if you want to sell art. You dont´t have to go this far at all, it takes some time of course, but it does put a big smile on my face every time I walk past it!
(Finished Visionmap)
4. Hang your map!
You can hang it wherever you choose. In your bedroom, the living room, or on the inside of a closet so you see it everytime you get dressed. I personally love to have my map hanging close to where I work in my studio. But do make sure to hang it in an honorable place where you see it often, every day if possible.
(“Just knock”, print available here)
Why I am a fan?
I love this process for several reasons. It´s easy and playful and anyone can do it, with or without great creative skills. It combines logic with intuition. But mostly: it strengthens our belief in our dreams, thereby attracting those things in our lives. I have seen and felt how it works, over and over, in my life and in other people´s lives. I have taught it in workshops and seen the glow on people´s cheeks as the process works it´s wonders. It´s so simple, you just have to do it.
It´s not like a quick-fix wishing list. It´s a tool that assist you in the sometimes impossible task of finding and acting on your innermost whispers of what it is you are meant to be doing, eating, working with, dancing with, living with, in this life.
Of course it´s not the map itself that has magic pixie-powers to make your dreams come true. It´s you! By first creating (spending prescious time, energy, focus) and then watching your visionmap daily over a period, you tune yourself in a powerful way to those visions. Creating a visionmap is a powerful help to keep believing that things far beyond your current situation are actually possible. Yes, they truly are, for each single one of us, and for you too!
Down to basics:
What you need:
*Stack of magazines
* scissors, pens and glue (I prefere a stick)
* Piece of cartboard or thick paper
* 2 hours for yourself (or 2 x 1 hour, or whatever you can manage), good music and your favourite drink
Hope you´ll have a go, and if you do, I wish you a wonderfully playful process. I mean, it doesn´t hurt to try and you may just be surprised at the outcome!
af Lise Meijer | feb 5, 2012 | From my life, Home tour, Visionmap
Here´s my office! I share an office-room with Rune, my husband, so we both had to be creative to make the most of our space. I treasure this corner. This is where I write emails, organize things, print cards and sometimes sit and write in hand (love that!) or other creative quickies.
On the wall you also see the space with small yellow notes. I am a “post it” fan, and I use the small notes to wise words or important messages. To the left is my favourite postcard-holder. I collect beautyful postcards, anywhere I go, I always have time to shop for wonderful cards. Desktop image from one of my paintings, this still makes me so happy: to put my own stuff into multiple functions.
This space is also where I hang my visionmaps, and other stuff dear to me. So good to have a physical home for dreams and visions. Below is one featuring the wish for great listening for which way to move plus the vision of abundance and well being through creative work. Images in the vision maps is either cut from my own things or from magazines, a ton of them!
Another vision-map, about joy of work and peace of mind going hand in hand.
I could surely use more space and will have, once our house is built, but till then I am so grateful for my corner. Cosy and functional and a place to return to and find my own traces.