New art – Catching dreams

Some of you have been asking me how to know when I have new art available. So I decided to run a series here on the blog called “New art” – and will post whenever I have new art to share. I might share some of the process/thoughts too….

Catching dreams

“Catching dreams”, paper and acrylics on deep edge canvas, 60 x 60 cm/23,6 x 23,6 in – available for purchase: 3900 kr./725 $. Contact me at [email protected] for more info NB: NOW SOLD!

I love the idea (and feel the truth of it too) that dreams are available as quiet whispers and silent inspiration everywhere. We humans can turn those dreams into reality by creating a net consisting of openness and daily work in the direction of our joy and passion. A net where dreams can land and bear fruit. Helped by us humans here on Earth, crystallizing light and goodness into something that stays and may lift more spirits and inspire more souls to do more of the stuff that matters whilst we are here. 

Thank you for being here, would love it if you take the time to say hello here in comments, or let´s meet on facebook if you like!

PS: and yes, I used gold-paint in this one, shiny and visible!

Butterflies – wishing you a beautiful transforming 2014!

"Butterfly friends" mixed media on deep edge canvas, 60 x 60 cm, 4.800 kr.

“Butterfly friends” mixed media on deep edge canvas, 60 x 60 cm, 4.800 kr.

May 2014 be a year where we find peace to cocoon with things fine and important so that we can fly, when ready, and inspire ourselves and each other to live a life centered and connected in things of real value. May 2014 be a year where we meet “butterfly friends” who help us transform to the ones we are when we shine with our true light and speak with our honest voice. May 2014 spin its silky thread for protection and help us celebrate many true transformations. That is my butterfly-wish, today!


The Creative quickie above reads:

“They transform

We transform

Everything here is changing all the time

At night while I sleep the harvest of my day is being transformed

In my waking hours, I co-transform

I love this life

This task

This gift”

(page from Creative Quickie-journal, see more here: )

A soul reminder for this season

Perhaps you too need small daily reminders during this season leading up to winter solstice and Christmas. Reminders to your soul and heart that they are important players and allowed to be in charge. And that this season offers rich opportunity to connect to something deep & profound. Like LOVE. Like COMPASSION. And like FORGIVENESS. I have been pondering a lot about forgiveness lately and the enormous power that releases when we learn to forgive, instantly, rather than hold on to stress and hurt. Forgive ourselves and others. Simply and quietly letting it go…

Here are two reminders I keep close to heart:

Quiet now

“Quiet now” Original sold, signed prints available HERE.

Text in the painting reads:

“Quiet now. Allow the pieces of life to settle in their own way and time.

Even a shaken world can be transformed to a wonderful mosaic – with time”

(Lise Meijer)

And from one of my all times favorite books:

“Today, why not ask for the creative and physical energy you’ll need, not just to survive The holiday season, but to enjoy it”.

Sarah Ban Breathnach.

Oh yes, beautiful advise. Thank you Sarah.

Wishing us all courage to pause long enough to feel our true priorities.

True joy under the tree

Joy under the tree

“Joy under the tree”. New painting. Available for purchase HERE, as the very first of a series of small and affordable paintings on Etsy, yay!

Strange how we humans create traditions and then keep them up long after no one can remember or manifest their true meaning. Strange how just a little awareness can shift that.

One day a most wonderful Christmas tree presented itself to me. A tree standing alone in a winter landscape. And yet not alone.  It was part of a beautiful world of life, not visible to the eye unless you were able to see through the cold winter earth beneath its roots. There were presents under the tree! But a very special kind. The kind that makes you still with wonder and joy. They were pure life energy and juices from trees and plants withdrawn into the ground to be stored and renewed during the cold season. And they were wrapped in a deep understanding of the cycle of life and death.


I saw a world of promise and new life. Forces making ready for the year to come. And I noticed how the tree was settled, knowing that what the eyes can´t see is still there, as pure joy under the surface. That this is another kind of spring, felt by those who are able to be so still that they can hear what goes on under the surface.

Detail from York Minster

Detail from York Minster

This December I will try once again. To do what I can and leave the rest. And not be driven by traditions. But rather use them as an opener and guide to what may be a hidden truth. Remembering that true presents has joy and connection and don´t come with a demand. I know it´s not easy in this world. But I firmly believe we can create our own new traditions, little by little. Traditions connected to something true. Something real. Even if it´s something we can´t see it with the eyes.

Here´s to lots of  true joy under the trees this year!!!

Xx Lise.

PS: part of my sanity in times like this comes from the small (or sometimes big, yay!) moments of reconnecting with myself through writing morning pages. Lifesaving. Really. 


Lake of dreams, new paintings and dwellings

I have been painting BIG! A friend suggested I would give myself that challenge in 2013, and I thought that would be a wonderful opportunity to allow myself to play and make a mess!!! And that´s what I did. And then I worked on with the mess. And tidied it up into 3 landscape paintings. And I loved the process. Learned a lot too.

Here is the first  one:

Lake of dreams

 “Lake of dreams” , 70 x 140 cm. Acrylic on canvas.

Sometimes we need the place and space to cocoon away for our dreams to gain their full strength and become ready to work their wonders….

The space between us

“The space between us”, mixed media on canvas, 50 x 150 cm

The second painting is inspired by the title from the CD by Lars Muhl and Githa Ben David, “To heal the space between us”. Beautiful title, right? And so is the CD, I especially love this song. The painting is about the space between two beings that are connected. If the magic of that connection happens in the space between them (and it does!), then that space is a very important place. To be filled with care and awareness and beauty.  Kept fresh so that it may be a refreshing space.

Bridge of hope

“Bridge of hope”, mixed media on canvas, 70 x 140 cm

The third painting is called Bridge of hope. After posting it on facebook, a friend in turn posted the most beautiful poem by David Harris with almost the exact same title. I had never heard it before, but instantly loved it. And it beautifully carries the frequency I was contemplating whilst making this painting:

Beyond the bridge of hope
lies the land of charity
and with a little faith
one day I may get there.
Where everything is equal
and shared equally the same.
Faith leads as we venture
on across the bridge of hope
and into the arms of charity.
Each day we may struggle
to keep our lives afloat
as we venture closer
to the bridge of hope.

~David Harris~

Thank you for being there, witnessing and interacting in all your wonderful ways. I love that we are not on a journey alone, but very much together.

With love, Lise.

PS: The paintings are ready to find a new place to nest. Contact me for any purchase requests! You´ll find prices and more info HERE, thank you.

I know I am naive….

“And I know I am naive, but if anything
That’s what’s going to save me
That’s what’s going to save me”

From the song “New years eve” by First Aid Kit

Recently a lady told me that until she heard me talk about the background for my paintings she thought they were all very naive. Hearing the background changed her mind, and she saw many levels in one painting.

“Journey together/ Rejse sammen” Acrylic and paper on canvas, 24 x 30 cm (sold/solgt)

“Journey together/ Rejse sammen” Acrylic and paper on canvas, 24 x 30 cm (sold/solgt)

(To purchase Journey together as print, head over HERE)

To me, the right kind of naivety is precious. And I believe it can save us. Keep us refreshed in a child-like, yet mature belief that goodness always wins. Believing in the goodness in our own heart and in others. And knowing that such a belief is contagious. Just like cruelty is contageous, or anything else we decide to occupy our minds with, so is goodness. And since goodness feels so much more right to the healthy human, so much more joyful,  I do believe it will be the strongest force as long as there is one sane human on this earth. So much inspiration, care and joy can live inside this just one human, housed by one body. This house that each single one of us is gifted on the day of arrival her on earth.

And I believe that together we can create wonders. Still, like many of us, I struggle some days to remember that. Then comes along a video like this, and any doubt is washed away; we were born to work together, and to have enough naivety to keep believing in goodness and joy:


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