af Adam | jul 8, 2015 | Exhibitions, Finding love, Paintings

“The music between us” – mixed media on canvas, 13 x 18 cm SOLD
(New art – part of a series of mini-paintings for my exhibition in Pakhuset– sold)
You are a life-musician. Yes, you are!
You create music in the way you interact with others. Your life-music is moving energy that vibrates in space. That music can move, give courage or heal.
In musical ensembles, one of the most important things to master is the art of listening attentively, while at the same time contributing with your own sound. To give and take your space simultaneously, like in a dance.
Many people’s greatest wish today is to be heard. And often there is a lack of attentive listening. But for every voice that needs to be heard there must be an attentive and courageous listening ear.
You can be that listening ear in the world. And contribute to a more harmonious world-melody with your ability to be part of an ensemble. Watch and give time. Listen to the spaces in-between. Maybe you need to wait with speaking? Or perhaps it’s time to talk firm and loud? Give space and notice the spaces. And then contribute with something you truly feel is needed. And feel how the music evolves.
You can start with listening to yourself and then move on to extend this service to someone you meet.
With your listening attention, you can help someone else to also watch and listen. It´s attractive and contagious!
Big love from Lise.
PS: I hear you!
af Lise Meijer | maj 6, 2014 | Painting process, Paintings, Uncategorized
Some of you have been asking me how to know when I have new art available. So I decided to run a series here on the blog called “New art” – and will post whenever I have new art to share. I might share some of the process/thoughts too….

“Catching dreams”, paper and acrylics on deep edge canvas, 60 x 60 cm/23,6 x 23,6 in – available for purchase: 3900 kr./725 $. Contact me at [email protected] for more info NB: NOW SOLD!
I love the idea (and feel the truth of it too) that dreams are available as quiet whispers and silent inspiration everywhere. We humans can turn those dreams into reality by creating a net consisting of openness and daily work in the direction of our joy and passion. A net where dreams can land and bear fruit. Helped by us humans here on Earth, crystallizing light and goodness into something that stays and may lift more spirits and inspire more souls to do more of the stuff that matters whilst we are here.
Thank you for being here, would love it if you take the time to say hello here in comments, or let´s meet on facebook if you like!
PS: and yes, I used gold-paint in this one, shiny and visible!
af Lise Meijer | feb 26, 2013 | Painting process, Paintings, Uncategorized
I would love to share the making of one recent “mixed media” painting with you:

First, glue different papers to the white canvas with Golden medium glue. I use the medium gel or soft gel, and choose semi gloss or gloss. Inspiration at this stage was very basic: a color scheme involving the yellowish papers. No big ideas yet.

After gluing, lightly go over the dry papers with some acrylic color on a sponge, “binding” the whole look a bit. I use golden fluid acrylics for that.
Then add more paper details…..
And begin sketching! For drawing the tree/ground I used Litho crayon, a black oily crayon. It can be wiped away until dry in about a day or so. At this stage my inspiration has boarded the project, I have a plan, a vision is emerging…..

I often use notes/ journal sketches while painting, helps me keep the overall focus when I´m lost in detail.

Adding more details, using molotow pens to draw dots and finer lines.

And finally, adding words. And it´s done:
“Nourish your seeds”

Somehow our move delayed a real good painting session forever. (House full of boxes, unsorted things, ill children and adults and ill children again…and again!!!). And of course I got frustrated and even scared if I would ever be able to paint again. But that´s part of the whole process, I guess any artist knows that feeling? When it comes, I know it´s not permanent, and never will be as long as I am alive. I wrote a post here about getting started when you really don´t feel like it. And the satisfaction when we push through that fear and become humble enough to simply try again is worth it all.
Hope you enjoyed!
af Lise Meijer | feb 4, 2013 | Collaborating, From my life, My painting journey, Uncategorized
Are you a mother? Are you also a creative soul?
And do you sometimes wonder how on earth other creative mothers manage their time and energy? How they find a good balance between motherhood and their own creative time? How they make the shift from mother to artist and so on?
I Do! And I guess that´s why I love Artfully Carin´s Arty Mama interview series. I loved reading the first one with Marcia Beckett. And I am so honored that I am up next! Today!
In the interview Carin asks me how I go about motherhood/ artist-life, time schedules, how I get ready for making art and much more. Curious? Head right over to Carin´s blog:

Arty Mama Interviews
af Lise Meijer | jan 3, 2013 | Collaborating, From my life, Paintings, small joys, Soul speed, Uncategorized

(“Sunshower”, original available)
“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
(Old Irish blessing)
I love the simplicity and sincerity in the blessing above. Here, as I am gently getting aquainted with this brand new year 2013, these words that I originally know from a song keep sounding in my mind.
And also this:
“Remember, we are in this life-business together”
I know I am seeking to find a certain balance in 2013. To grow into a maturity where, whilst creating and pursuing and even going crazy wild with my own dreams, I all the time hold in my heart that I am part of a big tribe called Humans. We all are in this together. Interconnected in ways we may not even begin to comprehend the full scope of.

(Above: my 2013 calendar)
I know that every single one of us have our own dreams. However deep they may be buried, they are there. I know they are. I know you have dreams too. I am sure of it. Even if we don´t feel or hear them right now, they are still there, waiting for us to pay attention. And I also have come to know that those dreams are compasses, they point us in powerful directions in life. They whisper how to pursue what we came here to accomplish. And when we listen, they speak with a growing confidence, adding so much joy and a sense of meaning to any life. My life, your life. Revealing the dreams we did not even know was there. All it takes to begin is listening.
May 2013 be a year where many, many people listen carefully, helping those dreams get a chance to be born into life!
May the road rise up to meet you…..
love and best wishes for your 2013!