Efterårsferie rytmik i Bio Bernhard

EFTERÅRSFERIE RYTMIK I BIO BERNHARD Søndag d. 23. oktober kl. 11 laver jeg en omgang rytmik for 0-4-årige i baghuset i Bio Bernhard, Præstø.  En børnevitamin-pille midt i det ruskende  efterår. Læs mere her! og kom og vær med. Sunday october 23th at 11 am I will be...

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Sometimes it takes an angel

I find it a miracle that the farmers managed to get the harvest in house again this year, between rain and flooding. But the fields are harvested, and the recent weeks have been idyllic with high blue skies and golden sunshine.  My absolute favorite time of...

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Sat up till late yesterday, producing a new batch of cards. I now have cards with most of my paintings on. I quite enjoy sitting there, putting them in cellofan-bags together wiht envelopes, music on and having my own small factory. Just for a night, that is a very ok...

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October exhibition around the corner

In october I will be showing my paintings in a local café, "Einstein" in Vordingborg. I predict quite some extra excuses for asking my friends and family or just myself out for coffee this month. Did I tell you I love coffee? I do! And mostly I love it served in a...

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Creative quickies

I have a book I name the "Creatve quickie-book". My friend introduced me to the idea that a creative project can be really quick, like cutting out one picture that inspires you and gluing it into a book of inspirations. And it works, it unclogs the creative pipes and...

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A very simple wonder

Sometimes I find that staying with a wonder, an unanswered question, can be almost painful. I am, as we all are, dipped in this culture of "having to have the right answars straight away and for gods sake move on and be busy". One morning lately, I had a small wonder...

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On being asked for help

There are many who have skills in bucketloads, but we don´t all  know how to get our dreams born into the real world. That ability has not come free to me. I have needed a lot of helpers. We probably all do, for different things in life. When I think of my...

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Clear lens

Small quotes can be like looking at a piece of the world through a very clear lens. I love how a quote can, in an instance, remind us what is really important. It cuts through all the fuss and goes straight to the bone. I need quotes, like food, and from time to time...

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Sun in the heart

In the small village where I live we opened up our doors and invited our neighbours and friends for a cosy afternoon with artsy stuff for sale. And lots of cakes and coffee. Later Birgitte, my neighbour and I gave a small improvised concert in her house. She played...

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