Gisselfeld – you refresh my soul!

A park, a castle, a greenhouse, a café, a shop….a soul-restoring place. Gisselfeld is a place on this planet I totally love to visit. Calmness seems to gently enter me when I enter the gate.

It is also the place where they now sell the new line of Lise Meijer cards, yes, yes, yes!  You can now find them in the beautiful shop inside the orangerie, kept by two incredibly talented men (danish people will know them from the TV show “have haves” about gardens.)

When I was  a young aspiring artist/woman/pathfinder in life, I spend a summer holiday with some friends not far from where we now live. It was a kind of an “artist-hide-away” cottage in the middle of nowhere. One day we went on a bike-trip to a nearby castle with a gorgeous park: Gisselfeld!

I immediately fell in love and went back alone the next day, and sat in the park  for hours, painting and dwelling at the lake. That was then, and that was my first romance with Gisselfeld.

Now, many years later, it has become one of the places I go to every summer to refresh my soul. It is such a magical place. The nature with the giant old trees and the caringly kept gardens with herbs and flowers are truly healing to the mind and soul. The lake creates the pause and mirror we all need in a rushy life.

And then the greenhouses, oh, the greenhouses! Kept like an Aladdin´s cave with small decor-surprise hidden so elegantly behind green leaves and blooming flowers and….oranges! And when you first step in, you´ll be enchanted by the sound of….well, you´ll have to hear that for yourself!

 I am grateful there are places like Gisselfeld, kept specifically to carry beauty and to cause calmness and settlement to stay with us – while we stay with it. That, to me, is special.

Web Shop Open + Opening offer…ta-ta-ta-daa!

I am sooo exited: my very first webshop (in the whole world ever) is now open:

8 different BIG AND GLOSSY cards AND 8 different posters with truly deep and beautyful colors + all filled with passion and meaning are now for sale right here in the brand new Lise Meijer shop.

Above: cards in groups of 4 from the shop. The cards are seriously big and super glossy. They each make a real treat as a  card or as a small poster to go up on the wall. Go check them out here.

OPENING OFFER (of course): if you hurry and buy in the coming week and latest on june 24th, I will add an extra card on top of your purchase, just note in the buyers note which one of the 8 cards  you wish to be gifted! Yay, take off shop, take off and fly…

Above: Creative quickie, it reads:

“Oh, the inspiration luring just behind the door, around the corner, inside me when I´m still.

Come inspiration, I have a home for you, I want to play, to nurture you, to give you a voice.

I am ready to open the door – wide up!”

“Time to nurture, time to sing, it´s your time” Print available in Lise Meijer shop.

Oh, and please, share the shop news with anyone you think might appreciate it, share away, thanks a lot!

A bit too much of it all….and elastic time

Right now, my life is filled with cards, cards, cards… the first web-shop-edition of Lise Meijer cards! And cellofan bags, envelopes and packaging for shipping them anywhere in the world. I want to let these 8 freshly printed cards begin their journey. They are PRETTY, BIG and GLOSSY,and the colors are truly beautyful. The printer did a good job. Cards are ready. I am ready. My shop is aaalmost – but – not – yet – ready. It will open real soon. Can´t wait to make the announcement.

For first-hand-notice on this and other things creative, connect with me here on facebook, I would love to be your friend in FB land!

Life feels so busy and full these days. Like the pic above: Papers, brushes paint and laptop in one pile! To me the brushes look like they were meant for dipping in the coffee or drinking water. It strangely hasn´t happened yet! Beautyful, creative and a bit too crammed. That is a good picture of my life right now. So many wonderful things. But just a bit too much all together.

Truth is: I am already doing so much of what I love in life. I paint, make postcards, write and sing. And get payed for it. And for that I am so grateful. On the front of the folder above from this retreat it says: “do what you love Lise Meijer”. Yes, I say. And for a good part I am. But I do feel the need to make my inner life more simple. To slow down the pace a bit.

Above: Runes parents came from Holland to visit and help with the house building. Pure joy to watch Celeste and Vincent reunite with their grandparents. It´s only been some months but they sure have been missed.

  I would like my life to have more space around each beautyful thing. I know: that shift can only happen inside me. And I know it is real simple. I also know it can seem so, so hard to make that shift when I am removed from it. How on earth to be at peace with what I do each moment? I actually do know. I simply have to make that peace. And then trust that there is time enough for the really important things. Because there are. I know it. And with the right kind of process time becomes elastic, round and creative. I want that kind of time to have more space in my life. That is part of what I love.

Taking action or creating elephants

Elephant: paper and pencils on paper. This one was made for Vincent a few days before he was born in 2006

I have been busy printing cards. It took forever. For me, a practical thing like searching the net for a fitting place to order prints on a bigger scale can be a far more time and energy consuming process than creating a painting. In my head, really simple things like that can become as big as elephants. Until I have tried it a couple of times and know how it goes. Honestly, I am a nervous freak around things like that. I avoid it, forget it, postpone it… you know!

Luckily many people in this world find stuff like that a piece of cake. So I asked for help. I got help from a dear friend who sat down with me and did the internet search. And also spend time with me creating a prototype version I can use again and again. One that won´t turn into an elephant-size thing because 1: it is easy and 2: I wrote it all down!!!

Card-factory in my livingroom last summer

Also many of you kind people helped me pick which motives to choose in my post about it on Facebook – Thank you so much! If we are not yet connected on FB, here is the link to my profile (Lise Meijer). And a warm invitation to be my friend there. I really truly love to connect with creative souls from around the world, and that may just be you!

So, I eventually found the right printer company. Today I ordered prints of 8 different cards for the starting round.  Now I just can´t wait to recieve the cards and send them on their journey out into this world. I will be sure to let you know when they are ready in my etsy shop….soooon!!!

In love with the process and the result = actual birth!

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the balance between the process and the result. Like the process of baking a cake and the result of the finished cake. I absolutely love both: I love to be lost in process and also to get a tangible result out of it. And I am aware that I have a need for those two states to appear in reasonably balanced  portions in my life.

(Creative quickie about finding the balance between what I want and what I do in life)

I know I need to create just for the fun of creating. I deliberately do that almost every day, often in creative quickies. But for me, it is also utterly important to get a practical outcome I can share with others from some of the stuff I create.

Truth be told, I did not always have an easy time getting my own creative results out in the world. It took me a long time to realise how much happiness actual creative birth gives me. And that it is a completely natural process: to create and then to enjoy the result. And to show that result or put it to use in the world in some way, and not be shy about it. Once I understood, I knew it was my responsibility to make that happen, also with my art.

(One actual creative birth I am real proud of: postcards with motives from my paintings, yay!)

I do believe that when something makes us happy, it is wise to do more of that, in whatever way we can. I am sure there is a creating power out there (call it God, a higher power, the universe or what you may prefere) who smiles a big, deep, contagous smile whenever one human being manage to do and be…happy. So simple. Not always easy, but simple.

(Small beautyful moments can stand alone….creative quickie)

Did you wonder lately what makes you happy? It may be something really simple like the smell of the trees after rain or the smile from a loved one. It may just make other people smile and take a deep breath to hear your “happy´s”! I would love to hear….

Almost forgot to tell…

that I finished two paintings some weeks ago: “The Stream” and “Starmaker”.

“The Stream/ Strømmen”, acrylic on canvas

If you live near Copenhagen, you can pop by “Adventskirken” where these and 21 other paintings and papercuts are shown in the exhibition I have there in november and December. And, and: You can buy the popular cards there too in their office – maybe a christmas card idea, just be sure to check their opening hours on their website under contact.

If you don´t live near Copenhagen and would like to buy paintings or cards, then just contact me and we will find the best way to get them to you.

“Starmaker/ Stjernemager”, acrylic and paper on canvas.

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