Joyful wish today

("Connected", mixed media on canvas) Today I have a simple wish: May every single soul on this planet experience one moment of pure and true joy. Perhaps the quiet kind, a joy that nothing on this earth can take away.....a joy connected to the simple joy of being...

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Match made in heaven

"Match made in heaven: 50 x 60 centimeter, acrylic, paper + buttons on canvas "Match made in heaven" I believe all great matches has some kind of connection beyond this place. And that when there is a right match (any match....could be people, animals or circumstances...

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Exhibition in Pakhuset

Right now, I am part of an exhibition in Pakhuset in Klintholm Havn on Møn (Denmark). Pakhuset is open every day from 12 to 5 pm in july and august, so if you come that way, it´s worth a visit: 2 stores filled with different kinds of art by more than 20 different...

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