First Aid Kit

Sometimes we need a first aid kit. Something to rescue situations gone wrong. Lift energy levels dropped way below normal. Or to alleviate the pressure it can be to live in a world as wild, big, and incomprehensible as ours. I have several things in my "kit", here´s a...

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The well-being list

"Shine"  - a creative quickie I have a list that I keep in copies in several semi-secret places: on the inside of my closet, in my wallet or my drawer. It´s a list of actions that I know are easy to do.  Actions I know will lift me up whenever I get heavvy or low in...

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Be still now

These days I find the simplest things work the best: Rest, sleep, (plenty of it), old episodes of "Friends" on dvd, going for a winter walk, listening to a loved piece of music or chatting with a friend. What doesn´t seem to work is planning,  pushing or stretching my...

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